The New Exclusive Site!

Hello All!

What's up, missed me? I sure would have.

Today I did go out, it was a party, shit did go down. Now your all going to getting excited (boners may happen) for what happened. I could tell you, but instead I'm going to leave it out for another day.

Right now I want to talk about something NEW me and T-Diddles have in the works. It's somewhat related to today.

At the momment me and the Diddles are planning A NEW SITE!

After great response from this blog it seems like the next logical step. People say they like my writing style, they love the blog.

I made a Blog, you guys sent your support!

You've sent your support, I SEND MORE CONTENT!

So what's the next step for this venture?

Well let's talk about the History of this blog.

It all started when I stumbled across a site called "My PUA Journey". Two guys, 1 journey. They were on a mission to become MPUAs and documented all their progress in a mix of Videos and a sort of Blog.


Infield footage of guys on my same path, INSPIRING! That's one of the reasons I wanted this blog. To document my own journey and inspire others in the process.

Recently though My PUA Journey has been going in directions I don't really agree with. I'm not saying it's a BAD direction... just not what I would like to see. To me it seems like it went from being a site that was supposed to help people, to just another PUA site to make money. Their has been lying (wether purposely or not) and now it's just another promotion for dating coaching.

Well I guess good things don't last forever.

But I want to pickup (hahaha, pun not intended) where they left off, start a site that would lead in a direction I wanted to see that site go in. A site like theirs but with more of the stuff I'd want to see.

It's a site I've always wished their was but I've never found. A site with content I've always looked for but never found.

Me and T-Diddles are taking what My PUA Journey had and taking it to a new level.


Highlight #1

Starting August, every time we go out we'll RECORD our sarges. Everyone loves hidden camera pickup, nobody really makes it though.

This is not going to be like other video though.

Highlight #2

I've always loved the idea of commentary as subtitles. All the other video, they pause and shoot them talking about what just happened.... FUCK THAT! I was watching something bitch, you just stopped it and I can't remember what was happening when you stopped! You fucking guy!

So that's what we'll be aiming to put in. Subtitles saying what were doing, why were doing it. Our comentary on the video, in the video!

Highlight #3


I like watching Pickup, but it's all straight forward, boring shit. Ya it's interesting, ya it's cool... but it's all the same!

*Guy walks up to girl*

"Hey can I have your oppinion on something?"


Ya it's good, ya you learn from it, ya we WILL have it. But we also want to have something new. CRAZY OPENERS!

"Hey excuse me little boy, do you know where I can find a classy hooker?"


So more extreme stuff. We'll have ways you can submit and vote for Openers we can use, things we can do, whatever you think would be funny to see in a set!


This is what we have planned so far. I'm sure once we get started we'll have even more ideas for stuff we can add. We'll always be open and excited to hear what you guys would want to see and the type of shit you would want to watch.

It's gonna be big, it's gonna be crazy, it's gonna be a FUCKING WILD RIDE!

The plan for launch is NOT to post on youtube, NOT to advertise it in any way. My PUA Journey posted their videos on youtube with Tags like "Mystery, Style" and other things that get lots of searches. The idea was obviously to get as many hits as possible.

This is a decent route, but one we'll not be taking. We want people to hear about it through word of mouth. It's not being advertised, it's not being posted all over the web. If you are lucky enough to know about it through this site, or by a search through google, GOOD JOB!

Know that you are one of the very few who stumbled upon it. If you like it send it to your friends, your fellow PUAs, post the link. However you like.

I don't want this site to be something I trick people into visiting. The only way I plan to get visits is by making it so good people want to share it with their friends.

A very strange idea, but for some reason I like it.


If you like what I've talked about keep checking back here, the link will be posted soon.

Peace guys!