Report #16 - Meeting More PUAs

Today was supposed to just be another day sarging... and by the looks of the start, a bad one.

I think we really need to stop procrastinating. After meeting up we tend to go get food, go get money, go do this or that. Just things that waste time and pull our focus from what were there to do.

I'm making a rule right now. After I meet up with the T-Diddler, I have to approach 5 sets before I can do anything else. Before I can buy stuff, before I can go to the washroom, before ANYTHING! I'm getting up and going.

Today was bad because after meeting up we went to the bank, went for food, it would have been terrible if we'd started to try sarging after that. We'd done all this stuff, gone to banks, ate food. The last thing on the list before sarging was an energy drink.

So were walking and T-Diddle says "Yo! That guy is so a pua". I looked and sure enough this cool dressed guy is talking to this girl. I looked just in time to see him leave the set. I thought "Sick, we should meet these guys and they can help us". These guys weren't like our other friend we met, they were older and seemed to know what they were doing.

We weren't sure though if they really were so we decided to follow and see if they opened anyone else. Sure enough they did in no time. T-Diddles asked me if we should talk to them so I said "Ya! Go when they come this way and ask if they've read the game". All of a sudden he started saying "No, no. Who cares, we don't need them, let's just go". I couldn't believe it. I told him he had to talk to them, I was the one who approached the PUA last time. The idea of having to talk to them just made him not want to meet with them either more. He was saying "No, no. Common, who cares, let's go.... you do it". I just thought "Ugh, why argue?".

I sat at the end of the hall and waited for them to finish the set they were in. When they came by I went up and said "Hey, have you guys read the game?". This seemed to put them on the defensive. They said "Ya, why do you say that, cause were talking to girls? We don't use the stuff from that book thougn". I don't know but it seemed like they were sort of startled. I just said "Oh that's awesome, us too!".

We talked for a bit and they said "Oh cool, well were going to eat now. If you guys want to come we'll work on limiting beliefs and we can do stuff with you guys. I was pumped! :)

We walked with them for a bit. They needed to go into the source to find something. The one guy (I'll call him PUA1) pointed out this lady on the phone at the counter and said "Go ask her how her days going". In all honesty, she wasn't that attractive, she was on the phone, and she was working... I really didn't want to. At the same time I wanted to do what these guys were saying cause it seemed they knew what to do. In the end I didn't do it. Me and the T-Diddles just looked at phones while PUA1 opened this russian girl and PUA2 looked for what he needed.

I should mention at this point they both had tennis balls. PUA1 had given his ball to the russian girl but PUA2 still had his and didn't want it. So after walking out of the store, there was a sort of balcony thing and PUA2 says "Set there" and throws his ball down off the balcony. I thought he did it to open a set he saw but turns out he just didn't want it.

Anyway, after he does that I see 2 security guards at the one end of the Balcony, they start walking towards us after he throws it. PUA1 and PUA2 had been walking a bit behind us and me and the T-Diddles had been walking a bit ahead. I was hoping the security guards would think they weren't with us... but we weren't that fortunate. The guy comes over and yells at PUA2. He says he should call the cops and get us thrown out. He escorts both of them and us out of the building.

On the escalator we got a bit yelled at too. I just tried to play it off as though I was disgusted as well and didn't know why he did it. Anyway, we got kicked out :(.

These guys were looking for a charger for their cell so we headed into future shop. PUA1 set off the alarm walking in. This cute asian girl who worked by the exit was there and asked what might have set it off. PUA1 said "I don't know, maybe it's my condoms" :P. It turned out it was and he started messing with her, offering her his condoms to hold onto.

While he was doing that PUA2 pointed something hilarious out. We were standing there looking at phones or something and he said "Oh look, Spenny is over there if you want to say Hi to him" :P. Hahaha, sure enough Spenny (from Kenny vs Spenny) was standing there :P. Me and the T-Diddles went up and said hi. Told him we loved the show and we liked him better then Kenny. He didn't sound very enthusiastic that we were talking to him :P, he also looked dressed and groomed crapy. Now that I think about it, we should have asked him if he wanted us to show him how to game girls :P.

After that those two still wanted something to eat so me and T-Diddles just sort of tagged along. They went to this Korean Grill place. We'd already eaten so I just ordered a drink and hung out with them.

These guys turned out to be pretty cool. The one (PUA2) had been studying online for 4 years before going out and doing stuff. This guy had been at it for 7 months so far and gotten results (a lay after around 300 approaches). He'd taken a bootcamp and his game seemed very direct and aggressive. He seemed to open with "Omg! I just saw you and your so fucking sexy I just had to come over and say Hi!". I think it was too high energy (something PUA1 kept telling him) and also the swearing was a bit much for the day. I didn't see it work for him but who knows.

PUA1 had only been going out with other people for a week or two. He'd been to a David Deangelo seminar and said it blew his mind. I don't know how long he'd been doing it but I'm guessing less then 7 months.

Anyway, so we talked to these guys for a few hours it must have been about just random pickup stuff. They told us stories about stuff they had done and their views on certain aspects of game.

After eating I was sort of in "Talking with friends mode" instead of "Picking up girls mode". We left though and they wanted to do stuff. We mainly just walked down the street and said "Hi" to everyone. Sort of less then what I expected from these guys. PUA2 ran across the street to use his "Fucking Sexy" opener on a woman, but it didn't turn out well.

I don't know how we got to this but we started talking about being ballsy. The idea popped into someone's head of going up to people and saying "Hey, me and my friends are looking to get laid, are you interested?".

We all did it, it wasn't as has as I thought and after that, the prospect of telling a girl she's cute was nothing.

That was about the climax of our approaches though. I was a bit disappointed by how little we did. We kept walking with them though because they were going in my houses direction to where all these computer stores are.

After going to the store near my house I decided to call it a day, and they did too. We exchanged numbers so maybe in the future we'll see them again. It's always good to have a list of PUAs. I have a group on msn just for PUAs. :)

So all in all, not a very productive day, but cool none the less.

Oh well, were getting there.

Peace out! :)