Report #15 - I Have SuperConfidence!

Once again, back at the malls!

Recently I've been looking into products for Inner Game. I was suggested a few like "Paul McKenna - Supreme Self Confidence" and "Archer Sloan - SuperConfidence". I've been doing Hypnotica's "Collection of Confidence" and I'll almost finished. I just need to go out and do something crazy, like wear a dildo on my head (I wanted to go to a mall and offer free hugs to everyone but T-diddles thinks that's stupid...).

"Supreme Self-Confidence" was recommended by our Hypnotherapy friend. I tried it and the Trance part is crazy... I was so relaxed I felt out of my body.

"SuperConfidence" was one I found on a torrent site. I filtered out everything except the Hypnosis/ NLP torrents and ordered everything by times downloaded. It was the second most downloaded in that category. I looked at peoples comments and they were fairly positive. Searching on the internet about it though I couldn't find ANYTHING!

I decided the one downloaded over 1,000 times and guarantees confidence in 10 days was better then the 3 week program. So a few days ago that's what I started.

The product consists of 4 CDs. The first is just a bunch of really hard promises and goals to make. They are INSANE. Like no more lying, TV, masturbating, talking to people you don't have to... stuff like that.

The next CD is weird too. It's a relaxation type exercise where you see yourself as blue energy.

The 3rd and 4th CDs are missions to do over the 10 days. Today I completed mission #1! :D

Supposedly knowing the missions ruins the products so I won't say what it was. I will say however that I think it was a good exercise for getting comfortable with people and I can't wait to see what the next ones are.

Today me and T-Diddles went to the mall and did our thing. I had these missions I needed to do so I decided to go first. I opened 40 sets in total. After that we decided to take a break then headed back to meet-up with our Hypno-Friend. T-Diddles didn't want to do any approaches till our friend got there. We waited from 4:30 (when he was meeting us) till 5:00 (WHEN HE WAS 30 MINUTES LATE!). T-Diddles obviously wanted him to come so even though we'd waited forever T-Diddles still had me go to the next floor and watch the fountain as we waited some more. I wanted to see the guy too so it was cool.

Finally at 5:10 or so, JUST BEFORE WE LEAVE, I see the guy walk up to the fountain. We yelled down and met up with him.

Hypno-Man needed to eat so I walked around with the T trying to get him to open some sets. We were hungry too though so we eventually gave up and went for pizza.

When we were all done eating we were off to the races!

Don't get too excited... it wasn't that spectacular. T-Diddles opened a seated set, Hypno-Man another... DUHN-DUHN-DUHN, it was my turn. Those two obviously thought I was having mad AA cause they started telling me if I didn't go they'd push me to.

We went up to the first floor and I saw these two girls heading towards the escalator. I was walking towards them but didn't get there before they got on the escalator. They looked at me and I looked away thinking "Fuck, they saw me, I can't open now". Then I thought "That's bullshit! I can still open!" so I got on and went and opened them.

They laughed at my question and we got off the escalator and started talking. They were SO into me! OMG and the one was SO hot! AHHHH!!!!

I kept the conversation going and they were really excited to be talking to me. I teased them a bit. The hotter one was touching her lips and shit.

At this point I should have locked in, and just continued talking about whatever shit they told me, changed the subject based on something they said and gone for the number.


But I didn't lock in, I didn't grab the chance to move the conversation in another direction. Eventually I ran out of shit to say and ejected. Hypno-Man was telling me he was so close to coming and winging me. Damn!

I walked away from them though and lost the chance. When I looked across to the side where they were at I saw the hot one looking at me and checking me out...



After that the mall was fairly dull. T-Diddles and Hypno-Man opened a few more but left a little later.



Boys and Girls, Men and Women, Puppies and Pussies..... DON'T FUCKING EJECT!

That word is no longer in my vocabulary. Fuck what people think of me, Fuck what they will think of me, Fuck what will happen.... I swear to the gods I don't believe in, I WILL NEVER EJECT AGAIN! If I want to eject I'll ask for the phone number and let them tell me to fuckoff.

Nawww they wouldn't do that.... AND FUCK THEM IF THEY DO!

Who gives a shit, it's all about you. Don't base your self-worth on how many people don't like you, how many people have rejected you.

Fuck that shit.

I'm basing my worth on how I feel about myself. I don't feel like shit if they reject me, but I will feel super amazing when they like me, when I go for the number and get it! :D

That's how you should be thinking Biznitches.

Peace Out!