Report #12 - Money Time

Repetition is key, doing it every day, even if only a little is gonna make it go much faster.

So today... or yesterday (July 1st) and the day before we went out.

On the 30th T had to work and we wanted to have a lot of time, so we planned to go at 11 to work it till 2:45 or so.

11am.... That isn't late right? So I stay up till 2am doing stuff before going to bed. Of course the next day I'm EXHAUSTED! I ended up being late and getting there at 11:30 :S.

Maybe this is just my AA... but I felt too tired to approach. I just did not feel motivated to approach ANYBODY. We did our warm-up, walked around... and just didn't do any proper sets. It was terrible. We ended up both agreeing we were too tired and left to go home.

Today.... yesterday. Realizing how important sleep is I decided to go to bed earlier.... meaning about 1 am and the meet-up was pushed till 11:45 am.... basically a bit later then I managed to get there the day before.

I got up today (once again after sleeping in) realizing it was 10:30! I had no time to shower or anything. I just ate and left. I felt a bit more energized but still fairly low for energy... and I was late again (only by 15 minutes though! Woot! :D).

The goal was to make-up for the day before. Unfortunately though it was still REALLY hard. I think I need to really sleep in, energy is what pushes me to approach and makes me fun. Warm-up again, lots of people in 10 minutes.

While walking around we noticed a HUGE group of super hot girls. I really wanted to approach but these were like mixed, 6 person sets and I just couldn't push myself to do it.

Later on (After much walking around without a single approach) we agreed to bring money into the equation. What's more motivating then losing your cash?

We each agreed to give 5 dollars for each NON-SEATED set that lasted for over 1 minute the other did. Even this though couldn't push me past my limits.... for a while.

We were walking when I saw 3 girls, from the tour group, wearing laniards, coming off the escalator. T was like "Do them!" and I thought "I wanted to approach these people before... might as well". So I went up and said:

"What's with everyone I see with these laniards?"

They were a bit confused but I asked again. Turns out they were on an exchange with their university in Montreal!

I got so excited! :D

I speak french and we started talking about Quebec and me wanting to go to McGill cause it's a party university. What I had thought was a 2 set was actually like a 5 person mixed set. They were all super friendly and cool though. I thought it had been a minute so I told them to enjoy their stay and left.


I was pretty pissed but just decided I'd have to do another.

I had no clue what to open with... then it hit me, THE TRUTH!

We kept walking and I saw another 3 really cute girls outside Holister. T was like "No, not them, not them!" and was pushing me but I just ignored him, pushed past and went up with:

6Teen: "Hey guys, you guys are gonna help me make $5!"

They all lit up and said

Girl 1: "All right, what do we do?!"

6Teen: "Well I'm in a bet, I have to talk to a group of strangers for 1 minute and if I do I make $5."

Girl1: " where you from?"

6Teen: "Me? China obviously, can't you tell by my oriental look?" *Girls Laughed* "How about you guys?"

Girl 2: "Were from Quebec"

I got excited once again! Another group of exchange students (I swear, all of them were fucking super hot). I had experience from the last one so I started talking in french and they loved that. They taught me swear words and stuff. We were just vibing and I could tell they were loving it. They were giving IOIs and stuff. I felt really good.

I knew I had been there for a while so I said

6Teen — "Nice talking to you, I should go find my friend and get my money!"

Girls - "What? You're leaving? Noooo!"

6Teen-"I know eh! It sucks! I hate to go".

I left stretching my arms out to them as if I was being dragged away, I left and it was over.

So Mr. T had to pay up making me $5 today! :D

I really like making money a part of it. T has decided getting over AA is paramount at the moment. His plan is to take out $100 tomorrow and give me it all. He then will get $5 for every approach he does that lasts over 1 minute. He has 2 days to win his money back before its mine.

Should be very eventful tomorrow. He doesn't have to work so we can sleep in and stay later. :)

Till then!
