Why I Ass Fuck My Fears

One of the things PUA1 recommended me to do was write down things I can do at the end of my blog posts (aka "Field Reports") to improve. So here's my piece on how I think of myself, my beliefs and where I'm at.

Where I'm At:

Right now I have a dying urge to go do this stuff as much as I can. When I'm at home all my problems seem to work out. I'm not fearing having to go out. I'm excited and I believe when I go out I'll get great results. I know if I go out and approach as many girls as possible it will just blast my progress.

When I get to the mall it's a different story. My fears come back.

- What if she ignores me?
- Will she think I'm weird?
- Is doing this weird?
- Does she not want to be talked to?
- What if I'm talking and there's a silence and it gets awkward?
- If it sucks she'll go and tell her friends about this creepy loser she just met.

Haha, that's all my fears. Maybe I'll get more if she has a bitchy vibe when I see her but this is the main list.

Personally I think I'm very good with girls. I really do think I'm a cool guy, I really do think I'm funny. My biggest problem is breaking the silence and going and talking to them. I think if I could get past these fears, and be able to approach confidently, knowing they are going to react positively no matter what, I'd be light years closer to being REALLY good at this stuff.

Maybe that's cocky or something, but it's what I really believe. So right now I'm going to try and break down these fears with a sledge hammer or reason.

Step 1: Looking at both sides

- What if she ignores me?
What if she stops dead in her tracks and gives me all her attention?

- Will she think I'm weird?
Might she think I'm the ballsiest, most confident guy she's ever met?

- Is doing this weird?
Is being attracted to girls, wanting to meet them, and having a desire to be with them weird?

- Does she not want to be talked to?
Have I ever met a super hot girl who is super shy and doesn't like talking to people? Or are they all super social, chatty and popular?

- What if I'm talking and there's a silence and it gets awkward?
How long does it take to hook? A minute or less? Can I not talk about shit for 1 minute? Doesn't she want to be as comfortable about it as me? Won't she work just as hard to not get the silence as I will?

- If it sucks she'll go and tell her friends about this creepy loser she just met.
Does she know anything about me? Do I have to talk to someone for them to think I'm a creepy loser? Can I just as easily be a loser by walking around, avoiding social interactions my whole life, sitting home alone, not getting invited out, jerking off because I can't get action? Isn't it the only way not to be a loser talking to them?

Step 2: Answer My Questions

- What if she ignores me?
What if she stops dead in her tracks and gives me all her attention?

It's true, she's just as likely to really want to talk to me as she is to really not want to.

If she stops and is really eager to talk to me, on a scale of 1-10 how good is that going to make me feel? I'd say an 8 :).

If she walks by without a word, on a scale from 1-10 how much is that going to hurt? I'd say a 1... maybe.

So really, I can't really fear her ignoring me. If she does it doesn't really hurt, who cares. If she stops though and likes talking to me it's going to boost my confidence SOO much. Really I can only gain confidence by talking to people. And the one's that ignore me? Who gives a shit, the more it happens the less I'll care anyway.

- Will she think I'm weird?
Might she think I'm the ballsiest, most confident guy she's ever met?

I've decided to send my game in a very "Direct" sort of direction. So let's go over this "weird" situation pretending I'm in the girls situation.

I'm walking around, bored, hanging out with my friend which I do every week. Were talking about the same lame, boring stuff. Ugh!

Then all of a sudden a really hot girl starts walking straight towards me, tells me to stop. Looks me dead in the eyes and says "Omg, I know this is very forward... but you are the cutest guy I've seen all day!".

How fucking good would that make me feel? Forget she's hot, she's a mediocre looking girl, but she comes up and tells me I'm the cutest guy she's seen all day. What am I going to start thinking?

"Ewwww, what a weird ugly girl. Why would you say that? Go away, your creepy and weird!"

It's so hard to even type that it's soo fucking STUPID! I'd be flattered as fuck! I don't care if she's ugly, I'd light up and be happy. I'd talk to her if she wanted to chat.

The truth is I don't think I'm a "mediocre" looking guy even. I think I'm attractive to girls. I've been told by a lot of girls that i'm cute and such. A girl wouldn't be concerned by how I look though, she'd be thinking "What a ballsy guy to come and say that to me".

The idea that I will get "That's weird" as a reaction is so unlikely it sickens me to think this is (or was) a fear of mine.

- Is doing this weird?
Is being attracted to girls, wanting to meet them, and having a desire to be with them weird?

I think the opposite question tells all. I can answer with 100% certainty that the answer to that is no!

- Does she not want to be talked to?
Have I ever met a super hot girl who is super shy and doesn't like talking to people? Or are they all super social, chatty and popular?

I'm trying to think of the last time I was walking down the street thinking "IF A GIRL TALKS TO ME I'M GOING TO BE SO FUCKING PISSED!". I'd LOVE a girl to just come up and chat with me. Why wouldn't girls not be the same?

Maybe guys less so, but even so, if it was a cool guy I'D BE PSYCHED!

I'm a cool guy, guys will be pumped to talk to me.... I'm a guy so girls should be pumped to talk to me by default :).

- What if I'm talking and there's a silence and it gets awkward?
How long does it take to hook? A minute or less? Can I not talk about shit for 1 minute? Doesn't she want to be as comfortable about it as me? Won't she work just as hard to not get the silence as I will?

Then I'll try my hardest to keep it going. I'll find something about their clothes, something they said, something in the environment, ANYTHING. Really though there shouldn't be any silence. I should get my conversation skills to a point where this doesn't happen.

What am I talking to, getting them there though... they are there!

Can I not actually keep a conversation going with anyone? My mom, my friends, anyone? Of course I can! So fuck this thought that "Oh I can't keep a conversation".

I just met her... the things I can talk about are endless. I can banter with her, ask her what she thought of me talking to her. If I get going I should be able to keep it going. I know this isn't that hard and shouldn't be a concern. I just have to ask things I care about and that interest me and then listen to how she responds.

I'm realizing how writing how dumb this is, I'm gonna just take down ideas of things I can randomly talk about.

- Do you get approached often? I can add in "By nice young men?".
- If she's not giving good answers. "Why are you so shy?" "Why don't you have an oppinion?" "You need to try harder then this if your to keep me entertained, what's the craziest thing you've ever done?". The list goes on, I thought of those in 10 secs.


- If it sucks she'll go and tell her friends about this creepy loser she just met.

Does she know anything about me? Do I have to talk to someone for them to think I'm a creepy loser? Can I just as easily be a loser by walking around, avoiding social interactions my whole life, sitting home alone, not getting invited out, jerking off because I can't get action? Isn't it the only way not to be a loser talking to them?

Tell her friends what? She met some weird guy?


So they know she met someone weird... someone that could be any one of the billions of people on this planet! I can't remember a persons face unless I hang out with them for a really long time. Even the PUAs today I'm sure I'll forget what they look like in a day or two. People aren't going to remember you from a 1 minute interaction. They have better things to remember.

She may think it's weird. IT'S WEIRD. IT'S being the key word. IT'S meaning not you, the interaction. She can't think YOU'RE weird, she doesn't even know you. Even if some guys came up to me and did the craziest shit, I wouldn't be able to say "THOSE GUYS ARE FUCKED UP!". I'd say "THAT WAS FUCKED UP!".

I know I've heard "They aren't rejecting you, it's the opener" and would think "Well that's how I frame it, but they'll frame it the other way". Well now that I think of it, if I "rejected a cold approach" I would actually feel like I rejected the action, not the person. So it works both ways.

But if that's not enough then look at it this way.... WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK?!?! So what, she didn't like me, I guess I'll have to find one of the other millions of other beautiful women that do.

Alright, so those are my fears and why they're dumb. I don't think I've ever heard a legit fear.

Now that I know how fucked up and stupid my fears are I am going to learn to get rid of them completely. They don't stop me from pain, I'm in pain not getting what I want in life. They have no real purpose but to hold me back from what I want and what will make me happy.

So all together now before I go, let's all agree to shout in unison.


Peace out! :)