Report #19 - Level Complete

I will always remember today as a turning point in my PUA development.


Well this is how jackass writers get you to read everything. They tell you there's desert but before you get it you have to eat the broccoli!

What can I say, I'm a bitch :).

Let's eat this shit fast so we can get to the good stuff, ask for the bill, and go home to jerk off.

So today started... slow?

Like yesterday I woke up not feeling my prime. If I were to rate my attitude on a Transformers scale, I'd want to be a Megatron but was a Bumblebee.

Just to let you know, my jokes make T-Diddles hot, and since he's the only feedback I'm getting this is what you have to deal with. It's called commenting bitches!

Anyway, so I ate, covered my nakedness (Ya I eat naked, you have a problem?) and set out on my Quest for a chick with nice Breasts. Since adventuring is easier when your jacked up on canned crack, I decided to make a purchase of an energy drank. I heard "Jolt" was good so I made my purchase and ventured onwards.

When I get there T-Diddles decided to be late so I had to wait. I decided to start dranking my drink. I opened this massive can of crack only to have it spray all over me :(.

T-Diddles came soon after pumped to get his grove on. I decided not clean up my crack drank and instead left it for an old man to slip on.

Of course as always we didn't start our grooving right away, we had much more important shit to do.... literally I had to shit bad... crack does not sit well in ma belly.

We go to the washroom, clean up and go out again.

I had mentioned to T-Diddles earlier I was interested in on of Apples various touch products, specifically the iTouch. Although I didn't have the money, T-Diddles wanted to go look at them. We caused havoc at the store for a while. Messed with the iTouches and i'llPhones You.

When we were pretty sure the employees were disappointed with us we decided to bounce to a new venue. Specifically the Wireless Wave so T-Diddles could mess with more iPhones then see how long it took the employees to fix them.

Once I convinced he was wasting time we decided it was serious business time. At least it would have been if my can of crack wasn't making me feel sick. We decided to get food, THEN we could start.... haha, were soo full of shit. :P

We go for food that will make us sick cheap. I have the same taste in food as I do for hookers....

Yummmm yummm, all done. We head back to the mall. On the way T-Diddles randomly tells me to pretend he's a girl and to approach him. I was confused until I figured out he wanted me to practice opening with him. We formulated an Opener so spectacular, that it makes even men give us their number.

Only thing left to do is to use it!

But before that we decided to return our Wireless Headphones. T-Diddles also decided he needed to point out to the store clerk my limited knowledge when it comes to the topic of hot girls.

ALRIGHT, NOW WE HAVE TO APPROACH!!!! Like I've heard of procrastination... but this is a whole to level of it.

So we are in the mall, walking round. T-Diddles says he's got a cramp so I stop and sit with him. I do this grounding exercise I learned from our buddy the hypnotist.... it sorta worked. Maybe just be placebo though.

But the AA is still there. It's always gonna come up when trying something new though.

The other day though I read about something called a pattern interrupt. Basically, when you are getting AA, you have a pattern of seeing a set, and thinking about how stupid it would be to talk to them. What you need to do is break the pattern. The recommended way to do this is by acting like a monkey. It sounded like a fake technique I would put in a book of my own for shits and giggles but I decided to try it. T-Diddles and I agreed we'd do it... just not near the mall.

We head out. Once were a few blocks away I decide it's a good spot to pretend were monkeys. T-Diddles all of a sudden doesn't want to though. Whatever, I don't need him.

I ran down the street acting like a monkey, then through Dundast Square acting like a monkey, then through a crowd acting like a monkey. People were pointing and T-Diddles was telling them I was retarded, but whatever.

After that I felt pretty good, tired, but pretty good.

We started walking through the mall again. We decided I should go first because I did less the day before. T-Diddles points out ugly people I don't really want to talk to. He says it's practice but I insisted that's not the kind of practice you use a direct opener on.

Let me just say what direct is all about.

Direct: Being spontaneous, being HONEST, being sincere (something that's hard to fake).

I could go up to some chicks I didn't like, it wouldn't be honest or sincere... it would just be me saying a line. I could say the line to him and it would almost be the same amount of practice.

So I just kept telling him no and let him whine about how I shouldn't care and just do it.

Then I saw a 2 set, a brunette and a blonde. They were heading towards the elevator. I told T-Diddles I was going for it and started my "Speed Walk". It's a speed walk, not a run. I do it whenever I don't intend to approach or am REALLY unsure.

By the time I got there they were down the elevator and walking away. T-Diddles saying "Go! Before they walk into a store!". So I continue my speed walk, the whole time thinking whether or not to go.

Then it hit me "FUCK IT!"!

I switched to a run and tapped them on the shoulder, he's what happened.

6Teen: Hey, I have to go quick, but your cute I had to say hi.

I put in pauses, said it slow. The first part they had a straight face, but when cute came they lit up and started giggling. There was HB(Blonde) and HB(Brown).

HB(Blonde) and HB (Brown): Hahaha, Thanks!

6Teen: I know, that's pretty random right?

HB(Blonde): No! Not at all!

HB(Brown): What's your name?

6Teen: My names _____, what's yours?

HB(Brown): I'm X

*Shake hand*

6Teen: Nice to meet you X, and yours?

HB(Blonde): Mines Y.

6Teen: Nice to meet you Y. So what have you guys been doing today?

HB(Brown): Not much, just shopping.

6Teen: Nice, which stores?

HB(Brown): Aritzia (I dunno if that's how you spell it :S)

6Teen: Omg, cool! Whenever I'm in there everyone's soo.... (I wanted to say hot, cause at least 2 times a day I'll be chasing down a girl and she'll head into Aritzia... but I saved myself) rich!

HB(Brown): Hahaha, well you know, were just spending our extra pay check money.

6Teen: Paycheck? Where do you work?

HB(Brown): Oh, were from Hamilton.

6Teen: And you came all this way just to shop? :O How far is Hamilton exactly.

HB(Brown): Like 1 hour or so.

6Teen: Cool, you never told me what your job was.

HB(Brown): Oh, we organize events.

6Teen: OOOooo lala! Events! What kind of EVENTS are we speaking of?

HB(Brown): Hahaha, Weddings

6Teen: :O You plan wedding?!? OMG! That's sick. Do you ever get to go to any?

HB(Brown): Hahaha, yaaaa :)

(I know it seems all like HB Brown... I can't remember word for word and who said what. I was just talking shit. After she said that I was amazed to hear myself say...)

6Teen: Omg, you guys are sooo cool! Here, I have to go. Write your contact info? You have facebook or something?

HB(Brown): Oh ya, here :).

*Writes her name*

HB(Blonde): Write down mine too! :)

6Teen: Cool, I'll add you guys! Have a nice day!

I think this calls for a:


My first close!!!! :D

Before I go onto later events I'll just say what was wrong with this.

1. Too short, should have talked more with them.

2. Not enough sharing. I should have given more "Non-Question" answers. For example, talking about the things she said, anything instead of asking about it.

3. Should have made her Qualify. I sort of did with "Aritzia? That's expensive" and them saying "Well we have our paycheck to spend".... not enough though.

4. Kept talking after the close. I just got it and got out. I should have stayed and made the info be like a side thing to talking to them.

5. Talk more to HB(Blonde). I know she talked more then I said, but I should have asked her things. I gave too much attention to HB(Brown), probably cause she was the target. MISTAKE!

That's all I can think, but tell me more if you see them.

So after that I go see T-Diddles. He's freaked out! He can't believe I did it! I'm just SUPER excited!

We walk around as I try to calm myself down. T-Diddles is still amazed. But it's over, time to move on. So I say "Alright, sick, okay, your turn now". But this guy wants more magic from me. He won't go unless I do ONE more. T-Diddles says "I will, I will go. I just want to know that it wasn't a fluke, it was your pure skill".

I was too excited after that, I didn't fee like another. But he insisted and pointed out yesterday he had done more, I had to even it out.

Alright, fine, whatever!

So he points out a girl walking alone (I would say this was a bad idea. I don't like getting told who to go Direct on, I like choosing and doing it myself.).

Whatever I approach, do the opener.

She smiles but kinda keeps moving. I walk with her and ask if it's random. She says it is. I ask what she's doing and she says she's going to a soccer game with her parents and BOYFRIEND. For some reason (I feel like an idiot now for saying this) I go "Ohhh, that sounds boring". She didn't really say anything so I ejected and let her go.

Mistakes with this one.

1. Didn't stop her. I kind of kept walking with her. I should have stopped, planted and kept talking no matter what.

2. My body language or tonality was a bit off probably. I should make sure I get that down.

3. I told her the soccer game was boring.... WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING THAT MAKES THAT SEEM BORING!?!?! Fighting bears?!?! I should have asked something OR even better ASSUMED, by saying something like "Do you play soccer" OR "OMG! Your a soccer player?".

Whatever though, she had a Boyfriend, I'm not going to get into his business.

So I went back and talked to T-Diddles. I say "Alright, whatever, your turn". But the little bitch isn't satisfied!

He says "No! Your doing another! I'm not going till you close another girl!". In my head I'm thinking "Dude... I've only done it once. I can't just pull that shit out of my ass. It's getting late, you haven't done shit! I've done 2 and acted like a fucking monkey!".

I tried explaining this but he was unmovable. He seemed really pissed off too. He said shit like "I don't want to do this anymore, I'm quitting PU". I was stunned. "Excuse me?! Just do it! I'll go again after you". T-Diddles said he was going home if I wasn't going again. So I said "Fine, I need to go buy pants, I'll go do that now.".

He told me he would come buy the pants, then after I had to do another. Ugh!

We went shopping and I got my shit. By the time we were done though I had to do, and so did he. T-Diddles was just complaining about how big a waste of a day it was. Called me a baby for not doing it. Hahaha, hypocrite :).

Anyway, that's the end of the fun story.

I'd just like to mention now some stuff I've notice since starting this though. It's stuff me and T-Diddles have both noticed.

Personality Shift!

Ever since starting this we are becoming different people. T-Diddles got told at work by some girl that he'd changed. "A 360 degree change, happy at work now, happy and cooler in general". He used to not like Subways and stores because he thought everyone was looking at him. Now he just doesn't give a shit and whistles to his music on the subway.

Same here!

I had to go shopping today. I remember I would look for pants that looked nice, my size, I'd buy them and leave. Actually I had to have my sister come and find them. I felt stupid looking at clothes. I thought people were looking and judging me based on what I was checking out. I refused to use the change room too.

Today, no problem. I had fun shopping :).


I've noticed old fears leaving and new ones coming. I'm not as afraid of people any more. I used to not want to look or have any thing to do with strangers. People trying to hand stuff out or selling were like seeing a gang of gangsters walking my way. I'd almost go to the other side of the street to avoid them!

Now it's different. I joke with the Sick Kids guys when they ask for money.

I used to HATE forums. I was scared shitless to post because if people didn't like what I wrote in anyway it hurt. I'd get notified of a reply and my heart would beat faster.

Now I don't give a shit. I went on this guys forum and posted a long thing of stuff I didn't like that he was doing. Everyone on the site loves this guy and I knew people wouldn't like everything I wrote.


But as I said, old ones go, new ones come.

I'm not afraid to approach, today I got a number though. Now I'm wondering if they'll message me back, will they think I'm too young (I'm 16... their 20 something :S), will they not accept my friend request, will they write something awkward to me??!!?! What's going to go wrong.

Hahaha, the one added me, I worried about them maybe not for nothing!

Really I shouldn't care though. Who cares. I don't know them, I talked to them, they liked me, if they change that cause of something on facebook they aren't cool people.

Oh well.

I keep on trecking.

Peace Out! :D



  1. Unknown Says:

    Nice job on the close. If that was your first one expect many more! I enjoyed reading your post, I like your style of writing.