Report #20 - Sarging < Life

It's been a crazy 2 days that have left me PISSED! I didn't even bother writing anything about yesterday but I'll tell all about it now.

So gather around kids, it's story time.

Logue of Pro (Pro in this instance does not reflect being good, it's just my witty word play... Wow I can't believe people read my shit...)

Start of Prologue

So for all yall that don't stalk me (I know their are some of you that definitely do) let me tell ya a little something about myself.


Were not poor either though (my parents own 2 houses)..... I think the best way to put it is.....

WERE DIRT CHEAP! No, not even that. Some idiots buy dirt at stores. WERE CHEAPER THEN DIRT!!!

I get a lot of my clothes from this homeless program my mom helps with at her church. If not from there, my mom will take requests if I want to get things from Value Village or Salvation Army when they have their 50% off sale. If I want nice things, I get it with my money.

Where does this money come from? From years and years of saving from relatives and whoever else.

Luckily, spending money is not something I do. I've learned from my parents to be as cheap as shit. But their is some part of me that will spend tons of money when it goes towards something I like. On my birthday, it told me to buy a Macbook Pro.

So ever since then, I've been broke. It's all cool. As I say, I'm not a big spender. I can make it through the rest of the year.

Center of Prologues

This summer everyone in my family had plans except me. My brother is going to camp / away with his friend, my sister is working at a wadding pool, parents are boring fucks that don't do anything anyway and hence don't count, and then there's me :).

Secretly I planned to just learn Pickup this summer, but telling my parents I wanted to do this did not seem like the best idea. Since they believed I had nothing, they concluded that Me having nothing = Me sitting at the computer all summer.

What do you do when your son, who is incredibly skillful, attractive, witty, amazing, superbulous... plans to waste it all sitting at a computer. Come on all you expert parents out there. You've been reading your Chatelaines and shit haven't you. WHAT DO YA DO?!

Well they decided I needed a job!

Fuck, this is going to interfere with my plans to approach strangers all summer. But what am I supposed to do? Say "No, I can't get a job.... I'm..... already busy.... OH FUCK IT.... I WANT TO SCREW GIRLS!".... ya, didn't think it would work. Better to just say I'll look for a job.


Oh shit.... you guys wanted to hear about yesterday. Let me just pause this story at the climax, right when your interested, right when your hearts beating faster to get that blood to your finger so you can scroll down to read what's next.

Sorry guys, I'll finish this after I tell you what's been happening these last 2 days.

(It's called being a JACKASS.... but Mystery calls it multiple threading)


Alright. So the night before yesterday I had been up till 4. As always we were meeting at 1 and as always, getting there by 1... when you were up late the night before.... it's a bitch.

But I get there, I waste subway tickets to get there, the tired and messed up mess I am, and I get there in time. Too bad T-Diddles hadn't done the same. He gets there 20 minutes late or something. Whatever, I can't be bothered to put myself in a shitty mood over what time someone gets there.

Were both tired, but start our venture. Were passing by the Rogers store when T-Diddles gets the bright idea to ask about iPhones (he wants one badddd.... more then he wants my dick in his butt.... ya.... I know!.... THAT MUCH! :P).

I just kept walking cause I couldn't care less, I just wanted to go to sleep. He yells at me to come back though... cause guess what.... THEY HAD ONE!


We go into the store and T-Diddles talks to some short, balding, indian guy about all the different plans. Finally he chooses one and he's ready to make his purchase (purchasees? It was more then one, the plan and the phone right.... whatever). The guy asks for 2 pieces of indentifications.

T-Diddles doesn't even have one!

But short, balding, indian guys that work for rogers don't rest till they make a sale. He tells T-Diddles that if he can get some numbers from his bank, and his SIN from his mom, he can sell the phone.

So now T-Diddles wastes more time calling people and the sales guy ditches us for some other dude.

I noticed the fucking phone was already being sold, but when I told T-Diddles he didn't hear me and I hate having to repeat myself so I just told him it was nothing.

He gets his bank #s, but his mommy doesn't have his other shit. Oh well, were happy to leave without saying a word to the sales guy.

We left, I'm still feeling exhausted. T-Diddles uses his brillance to tell me that FOOD is a good way to get energy, so we decide to go for lunch.

We ran off to Quiznos and bought too much money worth of sandwich.

That didn't really give me much of a buzz though so it's time for plan B (B ussualy stands for BAD!). We go to 7 Elevens and look at the energy dranks. I'd been noticing that they'd just been making me feel shitty the more I had them. But I was desperate, can't let this day go to waste!22oznos-wcap.jpg

T-Diddles and I chose the biggest, baddest, crack fullest, DRANK we could find. It had 375 mg of caffeine or so and 2300mg or so of Taurine... DAMN!

So we make our purchase and it's bottoms up! Drank, drank, drankin away.

While I'm drinking it I just feel weak... really weak, but it's making me happy so who cares. While we drank we walk round talking about shit. After a while we sat down and just drank drank.

For the record, I don't do drugs. I've never smoked weed and never drank more then 1 bottle of beer. For a High School kid I should get props for that.

I'm drinking this thing though... and I feel HIGH! I'm laughing at the stupidest things, I'm dancing around.... I feel weak, but as long as I drink I feel happy.

T-Diddles finishes first his drank. He wanted me to go but I wanted to finish my drank PLUS I had done all that shit on Saturday... it was his turn. So I pointed out 1 set and he went. When he get's back it's "My Turn". I've finished my drank, so I guess it is.


While drinking the shit, it kept me happy. After finishing it, no more happy pappi. My whole body felt like a blood rush, I felt light headed, I thought I was going to faint.

T-Diddles pointing out sets and I just keep saying "No, no, no, no, next, I'm not feeling well". He took this as AA, I was just being a pussy, maybe I was sick, but I was also a pussy.

I guess ya, maybe I was. I can walk with him and talk to him (actually I kept tuning out to what he was saying and just stared dead ahead of me), why can't I do it with a set. Guess I'm a pussy. He tried showing me it was easy by asking the time, but I didn't give a shit, I just wasn't feeling good.

We ended up leaving, me not having talked to anyone. I swore that I would go to bed at 10 that night though and be ready for the next day.


Today wasn't a bad day. I had gone to bed the night before at 12:00 (fell asleep at 2 but was in bed at 12) and felt well rested. I tried eating lots, but wasn't too hungry.

I left and found out I had no tickets, looked like I was walking. I got there almost 30 minutes late to a pissed off T-Diddles.

As always before we start theirs shit to do. T-Diddles wants to get a drink, return a wallet. I want to go to the water fountains. Tons of crap!

Whatever, it doesn't take too long and then it's time to start. I'm first up.

Were walking around and I had in my mind the set I wanted to approach. It was a 2 set, both girls looked good and my age. But walking around with only one scenario in your mind is a bad way to set out.

I saw 4 sets - Too many people

I saw Older sets - I don't want to be a kid hitting on a 30 year old woman

I saw Girls with ugly friends - Don't want to make the other feel bad

Tons of scenarios, but I wanted that one. T-Diddles just kept pointing out people though, none matching what I wanted.

Some were hot girl, but it wasn't the scenario I wanted. These I didn't talk to cause of fear, there, I said it!oldaznlady.jpg

Others were old, ugly or types of girls I didn't like (aka Black girls and Asian.... I'm not going to say sorry for only liking white chicks!). THESE WERE BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE THEM! I don't like talking to people I'm not attracted too, I don't want to learn to seduce these people. T-Diddles would tell me I had AA and was a pussy for not talking to them though. He likes old Asian ladies so to him the idea of not wanting to talk to one was crazy.

It's so hard working with someone who doesn't like the girls I like!

Eventually I broke through it though and approached this really hot, black haired lady. I said the opener and she was flattered, I didn't know whether to go on so I decided to eject (never eject, I know). Just as I say "Have a nice day" I could tell she was about to introduce herself. She's a bit flustered but says the same and I left.


After that I did a few more. I had the ones in between I didn't want to or was afraid, but I learned to break through it and go for it.

I'd done about 7 or 8 but T-Diddles was still pissed, saying I'm a pussy and shit.

We decided to break and went to Quiznos. T-Diddles got some food and bitched at me the entire time about shit... more on that later.

When we get back I did more sets. Ones I didn't like included just so I didn't have to listen to him say I'm stupid and shit.

At around 15 I'm walking around, avoiding people still and he asks if that's all. I could do more but I knew I could do them while he did his. So we started his turn.

The first set I chose I wanted to get back and the little fucker!

I pointed out an alright looking set on this ramp. I told him to do it and he said "NO! Are you fucking stupid! Their ugly, I don't want to talk to them!". I just repeated his bullshit lines back to him though about "If their no good sets you have to approach ugly girls".

Hahaha, how do you like it! Alright let's go..... WHAT THE FUCK!

T-Diddles just walks back to them and opens them. Fuck! Anything to prove a point I guess. He gets back and bitches about how easy that is and how I was still a baby for complaining about having to do it when he told me to.

That's it! This fuckers going down! I had to start doing some approaches as well. On the bottom floor their was a girl I told him to talk to, he didn't. So I thought, fine, watch this and ran back to talk to her.

On the third floor their were 2 hots girls leaning over the railing. I told him to approach but he said "No! Their ugly!". So once again I ran back and talked to them.

We walked around a bit but didn't do too many sets. Maybe not because he was bitching but also because the number of hot girls seemed low.

T-Diddles was angry I think about not doing too many and them not being good interactions. I'm happy though. All the "Good" days we've been jacked up on canned crack. I think you could say it's like guys going to bars and drinking before approaching. It's a crutch! Today we had none of that shit. It was all us and we did alright.

We were there till 6 then had to split... but I was still in a pissed off mood.



So as I was saying....

I agreed with my parents that I needed something to do and would get a job. I sort of wanted a job anyway, as long as it was something I wanted and enjoyed.

I had applied to an apple store and never heard back, my parents were starting to forget about the job.

My sister had been looking too though. She needed something that she could do when her summer job finished. One of the places she applied was this really nice, really busy, Espresso Bar/ Cafe near my house. The guy hired her on the spot because supposedly lots of people had been quitting. They REALLY needed help.

My sister came home and told my parents how easy she had gotten it and that I should get one too. WE COULD WORK TOGETHER! Add that onto the other list of pluses about this job.

1. It's 10 minutes walk from my house.
2. I was almost guaranteed a job.
3. It payed 9$ an hour! More if he liked me, PLUS TIPS!
4. I got a REALLY nice meal free when I took my break.

Awesome! I'd have money, I'd be working! It would be fun, plus all the shit I could buy!

So I applied! :D

That afternoon I found out I was hired! :)

The only problems surfaced when I got my schedule.

I was working 4 shifts the first week, ALL IN THE MORNING! My job had only 1 slot in the whole day so theirs no changing. This meant no more going to the mall and sarging on 4 of 7 days. I still had 3 days of unlimited, and the days I do work I can go after. Who knows though, this is only the first week, next week may be less.


Here's why T-Diddles was bitching at me a lot today. Feel free to comment.

T-Diddles Thinks:

This job is STUPID! I could get any other job, any other place! This one is right when it's best to sarge. Everyday I work is a day I could be getting better.

If I want to get good at sarging I should be going out almost everyday, not just 3 times a week and after work, THE WHOLE DAY on most days! This is my chance to get good, I can get a job when the summers over. I will not get in time for school.

I should quit right now and find a new job (preferably none at all).

6Teen Thinks:

I need the money. This job pays better then most other jobs I know of. It's close, it's fun, it's busy, it's GOOD!IMG_1142 Cafe Girl, Rosalie Oil-canvas 100 x 74cm.jpg

My parents will be pissed as shit if I quit, my employer will be pissed as shit and I will never be able to work there again.

The people there are nice, the job is pretty easy, it's a really nice place.

I need something to do this summer other then hit on girls! What do I tell people I did when I get back? I don't want to become some crazy guy that goes to the mall and hits on girls everyday! It's called A LIFE and girls are more attracted to a guy who has one.

Sure, going out, everyday, with someone else, I'd probably do great. But what's wrong with going out with someone 3 or 4 days, and then the other 3 or 4 doing it by myself? It's not as fun, I don't have someone to push me. SO WHAT?!?!

Am I going to give up 300$ a week so that I can have someone with me when I go hit on chicks on 3 days? That's 100$ a day!!!!

I could use the money to get someone somewhat good to come out with me and actually teach me! Maybe not a Mystery or a Tyler Durden, but some guy from a forum who is doing pretty well :P.

Nawww I wouldn't do that. People should be paying to hang out with me and hear my amazing jokes. Maybe I could do a trade, teaching in exchange for my amazing sense of humour (email me if your interested)! ;)

I will progress, regardless of whether it's at a mall with someone else, or just in my neighborhood!

Sarging should never be someones life, what they do everyday.

I think tooooo many guys get good and become dating coaches!!!! It pisses me off! For once I want to hear about a guy who gets good, best in the world, and uses his new found confidence to become head of a company or some shit. Not becoming a fucking loser who runs seminars every weekend.

Oh well, I'll just have to be that guy. Look for the stand-up comedian who has orgys after his show! :D

It's gonna be jokes!!!

Peace :D