New Site Updates!

Hey guys, been a while!

Just thought I'd keep ya posted on the status of the new site.

1. We've bought the domain name, the hosting service. It's final, the site IS coming!

2. It's using Wordpress! Wordpress has been installed, accounts made, and a few pages created. I downloaded 1900 themes and me and the Diddles looked through all (hahahaha no fucking way did I look at 1900 templates! We just randomly found one we really like so that's what were using!) and we've got one! :D

3. We've set up a Hidden Camera! Omg guys! It's fucking sick! The camera itself is just.... a digital camera (maybe when I am old enough to get a good job we can afford to upgrade), but the bag it's hidden in IS SICK! If I didn't know what I was looking for I would not see it. Maybe we'll throw up some pictures so you can marvel at T-Diddles ability to create hidden camera bags.

4. We've begun recording! It's been hard cause were both working, so not many days of the week can we go out. Hopefully I'll be getting less shifts so that should change. None the less we HAVE begun cultivating footage. We've got some funny shit to show you guys, and it's awesome!

5. Awww, a bad news point. We have been experiencing some techincal difficulties getting the footage from the camera onto the computer. The audio is coming off fine, but the videos are so big it's messing up T-Diddles computer. Next time were out he's gonna lend me the card so we can try and get it to work on my computer (which by the way is way nicer then his so it better!).

6. Were changing our names! This is a big one (hence the bold!). When I set up this blog I chose 6Teen cause.... fuck... I don't actually know why. It was a random name. And as much as I love it and love the spelling, I'm not going to go by it on the new site!

When people get into the game they get a Alias name that they go by on forums and such. The name sort of represents the new them. 6Teen was not the name I chose as an Alias so I'm going to use the one I use on other sites. 6Teen is also not really going to work next year when I'm 7Teen. The name I am going by iss.....

Drum roooooleee!!!....


It's the name of the song that was my favorite when I first got into the game. It's a song I would use to pump me up, whenever I listened to it I would go crazy and get really happy. Plus it's like Style.... BUT I'M THE FUCKIN COBRASTYLE! Style (Neil Strauss) is cool, the book inspired me to want to learn this (IT DID NOT INTRODUCE ME TO IT), but he's not a guy I would ever follow.

I'll leave it at that. If you want to find out what T-Diddles is going to be known as... well... I guess your just going to have to VISIT OUR NEW SITE!!!!!

BOY I bet you can't wait, ME NEITHER!

Tata Bitchas! :D

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