Report #18 - The Competition

The Big Day!

Yesterday we got a taste for the Direct approach, Today we ate it for dinner! :D

When I woke up I wasn't really feeling in the mood to do this stuff. It was really early (for me :P) but whatever. I did all my shit, eating and getting ready. By the time I was done though I only had 20 minutes to get out there :S. No time to get energy drinks or even to walk.

I ended up just taking the streetcar and accidently got off a stop early just as I hear the clock clang 12:00. Whatever, I get there when I get there.

I'm late, whatever, me and the Diddles talk specifics. Lucky guy had a beastly energy drink and I didn't :(. FUCK!. Whatever. At 12:15 we book and go different ways. The rules are...

- We each have 2 hours.
- For it to count you need to transition the conversation.
- Opening Direct and Transitioning gets you 1 point.
- Getting a Phone Number gets you 5 points.
- If we see each other we can't say how many we've done.
- Meet back at the start point after the 2 hours.
- You lose 1 point for every 5 minutes your late.
- The one with less points pays the other 20$.

Ding Ding Ding, I'm off.

I run up stairs, see two girls sitting down. I start thinking "Next one, their too young" too which I reply "Go fuck yourself!". I go open, exchange name with them, ask how their days going, cool, I don't care, see ya later!

YAY! Energy boost, 1 down in like 5 seconds. I go to the 3rd floor... not many people, TILL I SEE T-DIDDLES WALKING TOWARDS ME!

He starts asking how many I've done but I won't tell him. He keeps asking though so I finally tell him 1. He freaks out cause he hasn't done any! Woot, I'm winning, nothing to it. :)

I get through the third floor, go down 2 floors to the 1st. I see 2 girls walking towards the food court. The inner dialogue starts up: "Your winning, their passing, keep moving". Good thing I was on top of it "Hahaa, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!".

I prance over, spin them my way and open them up.

Woot, 2 done, I'm da man!

Now I want to mention something important. At the start of summer I bought 2 packs of 5 Gum, Rain. For some reason I think chewing gum makes me look bad-ass or something, so whenever we hang out, right when we start, I chew a stick of it.


At this point I realized I wasn't chewing my gum, so I pulled it out and got moving. I notice a set and the inner dialogues still there "Don't do it, it's not a great one, the next one will be better". So I walk on the 1st floor and don't approach. Then I notice the T-Diddles again, he grabs me again and demands to know how many I've gotten. I don't tell him at first, but give in again. I've done 2, he's done 1. Wow, I ignored some sets but I'm still winning. Let's keep it up.

Keep walking, but all the sets I see make me think "I don't want to, not this one, the next one, I dunno she looks old, are those her parents?"... stuff like that.

I walked around for 45 minutes or so and decided to throw out my gum.

After that I felt a bit better. I was thinking I could do some more.

Then I saw T-Diddles. He runs up to me and says "OMG! I've done soo many! I'm not even joking! How many have you done?!". I'm freaked out cause I've only done 2 but I've got a bit of hope cause he's a liar. So I asked how many and he says "15!!!!!". I just think "FUCK!!!!!!!!!!"

I tried booking it but he grabs me and is desperate to know how many I've done. After I tell him he's soo disappointed. I decide at this point I'm not gonna beat him and admit to defeat. After that I had to deal with getting told how easy it was.

I decided I needed to get more then 2. The energy drink worked for him so I went for one too. I bought one and we walked around the block while the mall refreshed (I didn't want to approach the same people as him).

Haha, random side-note. We went to Dundast Square and saw one of Kenny's (From Kenny vs Spenny) camera men.

Anyway. After walking and talking the shit we head back in. I was definitely feeling a lot better after the drink and the walk. We ran around the mall and did some more sets.

One of the things I tried was a way of opening a moving set. T-Diddles had been just stopping them while they walked by. I wanted to try another way I had heard. I walked by the set, they saw me. After they passed, I turned round and ran back, tapped them on the shoulder and used the direct opener.

They were super happy! :P

Something about it. I think they were proud they stopped me in my tracks.

The final number of approaches was about 20 for T-Diddles and 7 for 6Teen. After that we called it a day cause T-Diddles had to go to work.

And we all lived happily ever after, knowing the next day we would be able to rock it even better.

Now for everyone thinking "Why the fuck did he tell me to remember the gum?!?!". I think I may know why I had trouble approaching. For anyone who has studied NLP you know you can anchor certain emotions. You can do this by pinching yourself, touching your arm, or in my case CHEWING THE SAME GUM, whatever you want whenever you are experiencing the feeling very strongly.

Ever since we've started, as soon as we head out I start chewing this gum. And whenever we go out I have those strong, nervous, scared feelings. I think that by chewing the gum, I anchored my AA. :S

So looks like I'll have to hold off the gum for a while and only chew it when I feel really good.

A good day though none the less!!!! :D

I just want to point out there are lots of programs for getting rid of AA. Their 21 day things where you go out and ask for the time everyday... this gets you past your AA 21 days later.

This is Report #18. After going out 18 days I've almost completely rid myself of AA, and gotten to the level where I can use one of the most ballsiest openers! Damn Gurrrrllll I'm looking FINE!!!!


I've noticed the confidence boost. This is a bad example but I'll say it.

I'm a hater of forums. I don't think i get anything out of them and whenever I post I'm worried about how people will respond. My heart beats faster when I get a reply because I'm afraid it will be some jackass making fun of what I said.

Today I had to post in this forum though. I needed to vent some hating for a site on their own forum :P. When I got a response I figured it was probably going to be someone mad at me... but I didn't care! :D

Wow, 18 days and my forum phobia is gone! Yay!

BTW, Totally worth it ;).

Now I start entering what I would consider my area of expertise. Just plain shooting the shit with girls! T-Diddles may be able to open like a beast, but I have a feeling conversing might be an area I can rock at. But we'll see!

Cover yourself girls!

I'm cuming for ya ;).