Report #15 - Getting Even!

Bahahaha, T-Diddles isn't going to like this post... but it's my blog so who cares! :D

How exciting after such an eventful day to be back in the field! :)

So yesterday (Let's all pretend this was posted the day before like it should have been) I told the amazing tale of getting shown up like crazy and going home feeling like I'd lost my "Superiority". After that I was interested to see what would happen today. Would I still just settle for less while T rocked the place? I wasn't feeling my best so I only assumed.

On the bright side, I GOT THE RECORDER TO WORK! :D

It's always motivational to know that someone is going to be listening, means you have to step up your game.

This morning T was feeling the AA again... me not really, but being up till 4am after a whole day of walking around, getting up at 10:30am, and walking 40 mins to a mall isn't the best way to prepare for sarging. Can I be blamed after the little amount of sleep I've gotten if I don't want to talk to people? I don't know, you tell me. Maybe it's AA or maybe I'm sleep deprived!

Anyway, since I felt good and felt I had catching up to do I decided to do 20 first! Once again it was the other chooses the sets, and you have to approach them. Now that my AA isn't THAT severe is this still really necessary? I didn't think about it then... but pushing is something you do when approaching freezes you... causing you to do nothing all day.

Whatever, it's what we did.

I'm happy for T and all, rocking the other day. However I must say, a combination of the confidence from that plus my praise may have made him a bit over-confident.

He really was pushing me, people on their cells, big burly guys (THAT HE HAD ASKED THE SAME QUESTION TO THE DAY BEFORE!), mothers and sons, groups with more guys then girls, a lady who was in the middle of talking to a sales person about buying something. And it was good so props to him for making me do it.

But some I just couldn't do.

A lady buying stuff... talking to a sales person? Ya, ya, ya. It's all possible but to pull it off and make it work you'd have to be really good. I'm all for pushing my comfort zone.... but some things I just won't do. I like walking ahead and finding my own sets. I find it way more easier then having someone walking beside me, saying "The lady in the purple shirt standing right behind us!" and running off expecting me to do it.

This guy though was really giving it to me. Saying I had no balls and that I was a pussy whenever I didn't do a set he told me to. If I told him it was unreasonable or anything he'd say "What are you talking about, I could have done that!"....whatever. :P

So that's how my 20 were. We each had 2 hours to do 20 and I did mine in 1h40m.

YAY! T's turn! I could choose all the hardest sets and show him how it felt. I was also a bit worried though because if he did do them I'd once again look stupid... don't worry, I didn't look stupid :) (but thanks for your concern! :p).

At the beginning he was doing pretty good. Not approaching by himself like yesterday, but if I told him to do something he did. He talked to a girl and her grandma :P. Not really hard but a bit weird. I think that was the first hard one I gave him that he did. The next was really good though!

We were walking and I was thinking "What can I give this guy to show him not everything is a piece of cake?". And then I saw it!

At the end of the "Hall" was this massive group of Business guys in their suits and in the middle of them, 2 good looking woman. So I told him "Alright... the big mob of business guys!". :P I was sure I had him.

But no! He does that! Turned and looked at me but I told him he had to...and he did.

I "Maybe he is the totally changed...better then me! :(".

Don't worry. It didn't last for long. As he did more it got harder and harder thought der. I told him to talk to this big burly guy and he didn't (even though I had to talk to a burly guy! One that he had talked to the day before!). There was a lady looking at ice cream flavors that I told him to approach but he didn't. Just looking! Not talking to the sales lady like the girl he told me to approach!

Their were probably a few more but I'm not positive like for those...

I'll leave them out so I can avoid getting told off.

Anyway, he never even did all his 20. I think he made it to 15....17? I'm pretty sure it was 15... but I'd rather be over then yelled at :P. The time it took was also over 2 hours.

I'm not writing this to be mean or show off that I'm better.... but after getting called a pussy all day and hearing how I'm not as good... NOT EVEN EQUAL TO HIM, I just had to point all this out.

I'm still proud of him for his great progress though!!! :D

Man.... he's gonna hate this... I'm gonna get phone calls about this shit :P.

Oh well.

Love ya T! :D (Tell me what you want to be called instead of that by the way... I'm liking T-Diddles if you want my opinion :P).



  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hey man, im from toronto too,you're really your age..want to sarge??

    please email me

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Way cool man.

    What's the email?

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Can you write your email instead bro?

  4. 6Teen Says:

    I added to my profile under About Me.