The New Exclusive Site!

Hello All!

What's up, missed me? I sure would have.

Today I did go out, it was a party, shit did go down. Now your all going to getting excited (boners may happen) for what happened. I could tell you, but instead I'm going to leave it out for another day.

Right now I want to talk about something NEW me and T-Diddles have in the works. It's somewhat related to today.

At the momment me and the Diddles are planning A NEW SITE!

After great response from this blog it seems like the next logical step. People say they like my writing style, they love the blog.

I made a Blog, you guys sent your support!

You've sent your support, I SEND MORE CONTENT!

So what's the next step for this venture?

Well let's talk about the History of this blog.

It all started when I stumbled across a site called "My PUA Journey". Two guys, 1 journey. They were on a mission to become MPUAs and documented all their progress in a mix of Videos and a sort of Blog.


Infield footage of guys on my same path, INSPIRING! That's one of the reasons I wanted this blog. To document my own journey and inspire others in the process.

Recently though My PUA Journey has been going in directions I don't really agree with. I'm not saying it's a BAD direction... just not what I would like to see. To me it seems like it went from being a site that was supposed to help people, to just another PUA site to make money. Their has been lying (wether purposely or not) and now it's just another promotion for dating coaching.

Well I guess good things don't last forever.

But I want to pickup (hahaha, pun not intended) where they left off, start a site that would lead in a direction I wanted to see that site go in. A site like theirs but with more of the stuff I'd want to see.

It's a site I've always wished their was but I've never found. A site with content I've always looked for but never found.

Me and T-Diddles are taking what My PUA Journey had and taking it to a new level.


Highlight #1

Starting August, every time we go out we'll RECORD our sarges. Everyone loves hidden camera pickup, nobody really makes it though.

This is not going to be like other video though.

Highlight #2

I've always loved the idea of commentary as subtitles. All the other video, they pause and shoot them talking about what just happened.... FUCK THAT! I was watching something bitch, you just stopped it and I can't remember what was happening when you stopped! You fucking guy!

So that's what we'll be aiming to put in. Subtitles saying what were doing, why were doing it. Our comentary on the video, in the video!

Highlight #3


I like watching Pickup, but it's all straight forward, boring shit. Ya it's interesting, ya it's cool... but it's all the same!

*Guy walks up to girl*

"Hey can I have your oppinion on something?"


Ya it's good, ya you learn from it, ya we WILL have it. But we also want to have something new. CRAZY OPENERS!

"Hey excuse me little boy, do you know where I can find a classy hooker?"


So more extreme stuff. We'll have ways you can submit and vote for Openers we can use, things we can do, whatever you think would be funny to see in a set!


This is what we have planned so far. I'm sure once we get started we'll have even more ideas for stuff we can add. We'll always be open and excited to hear what you guys would want to see and the type of shit you would want to watch.

It's gonna be big, it's gonna be crazy, it's gonna be a FUCKING WILD RIDE!

The plan for launch is NOT to post on youtube, NOT to advertise it in any way. My PUA Journey posted their videos on youtube with Tags like "Mystery, Style" and other things that get lots of searches. The idea was obviously to get as many hits as possible.

This is a decent route, but one we'll not be taking. We want people to hear about it through word of mouth. It's not being advertised, it's not being posted all over the web. If you are lucky enough to know about it through this site, or by a search through google, GOOD JOB!

Know that you are one of the very few who stumbled upon it. If you like it send it to your friends, your fellow PUAs, post the link. However you like.

I don't want this site to be something I trick people into visiting. The only way I plan to get visits is by making it so good people want to share it with their friends.

A very strange idea, but for some reason I like it.


If you like what I've talked about keep checking back here, the link will be posted soon.

Peace guys!

Report #20 - Sarging < Life

It's been a crazy 2 days that have left me PISSED! I didn't even bother writing anything about yesterday but I'll tell all about it now.

So gather around kids, it's story time.

Logue of Pro (Pro in this instance does not reflect being good, it's just my witty word play... Wow I can't believe people read my shit...)

Start of Prologue

So for all yall that don't stalk me (I know their are some of you that definitely do) let me tell ya a little something about myself.


Were not poor either though (my parents own 2 houses)..... I think the best way to put it is.....

WERE DIRT CHEAP! No, not even that. Some idiots buy dirt at stores. WERE CHEAPER THEN DIRT!!!

I get a lot of my clothes from this homeless program my mom helps with at her church. If not from there, my mom will take requests if I want to get things from Value Village or Salvation Army when they have their 50% off sale. If I want nice things, I get it with my money.

Where does this money come from? From years and years of saving from relatives and whoever else.

Luckily, spending money is not something I do. I've learned from my parents to be as cheap as shit. But their is some part of me that will spend tons of money when it goes towards something I like. On my birthday, it told me to buy a Macbook Pro.

So ever since then, I've been broke. It's all cool. As I say, I'm not a big spender. I can make it through the rest of the year.

Center of Prologues

This summer everyone in my family had plans except me. My brother is going to camp / away with his friend, my sister is working at a wadding pool, parents are boring fucks that don't do anything anyway and hence don't count, and then there's me :).

Secretly I planned to just learn Pickup this summer, but telling my parents I wanted to do this did not seem like the best idea. Since they believed I had nothing, they concluded that Me having nothing = Me sitting at the computer all summer.

What do you do when your son, who is incredibly skillful, attractive, witty, amazing, superbulous... plans to waste it all sitting at a computer. Come on all you expert parents out there. You've been reading your Chatelaines and shit haven't you. WHAT DO YA DO?!

Well they decided I needed a job!

Fuck, this is going to interfere with my plans to approach strangers all summer. But what am I supposed to do? Say "No, I can't get a job.... I'm..... already busy.... OH FUCK IT.... I WANT TO SCREW GIRLS!".... ya, didn't think it would work. Better to just say I'll look for a job.


Oh shit.... you guys wanted to hear about yesterday. Let me just pause this story at the climax, right when your interested, right when your hearts beating faster to get that blood to your finger so you can scroll down to read what's next.

Sorry guys, I'll finish this after I tell you what's been happening these last 2 days.

(It's called being a JACKASS.... but Mystery calls it multiple threading)


Alright. So the night before yesterday I had been up till 4. As always we were meeting at 1 and as always, getting there by 1... when you were up late the night before.... it's a bitch.

But I get there, I waste subway tickets to get there, the tired and messed up mess I am, and I get there in time. Too bad T-Diddles hadn't done the same. He gets there 20 minutes late or something. Whatever, I can't be bothered to put myself in a shitty mood over what time someone gets there.

Were both tired, but start our venture. Were passing by the Rogers store when T-Diddles gets the bright idea to ask about iPhones (he wants one badddd.... more then he wants my dick in his butt.... ya.... I know!.... THAT MUCH! :P).

I just kept walking cause I couldn't care less, I just wanted to go to sleep. He yells at me to come back though... cause guess what.... THEY HAD ONE!


We go into the store and T-Diddles talks to some short, balding, indian guy about all the different plans. Finally he chooses one and he's ready to make his purchase (purchasees? It was more then one, the plan and the phone right.... whatever). The guy asks for 2 pieces of indentifications.

T-Diddles doesn't even have one!

But short, balding, indian guys that work for rogers don't rest till they make a sale. He tells T-Diddles that if he can get some numbers from his bank, and his SIN from his mom, he can sell the phone.

So now T-Diddles wastes more time calling people and the sales guy ditches us for some other dude.

I noticed the fucking phone was already being sold, but when I told T-Diddles he didn't hear me and I hate having to repeat myself so I just told him it was nothing.

He gets his bank #s, but his mommy doesn't have his other shit. Oh well, were happy to leave without saying a word to the sales guy.

We left, I'm still feeling exhausted. T-Diddles uses his brillance to tell me that FOOD is a good way to get energy, so we decide to go for lunch.

We ran off to Quiznos and bought too much money worth of sandwich.

That didn't really give me much of a buzz though so it's time for plan B (B ussualy stands for BAD!). We go to 7 Elevens and look at the energy dranks. I'd been noticing that they'd just been making me feel shitty the more I had them. But I was desperate, can't let this day go to waste!22oznos-wcap.jpg

T-Diddles and I chose the biggest, baddest, crack fullest, DRANK we could find. It had 375 mg of caffeine or so and 2300mg or so of Taurine... DAMN!

So we make our purchase and it's bottoms up! Drank, drank, drankin away.

While I'm drinking it I just feel weak... really weak, but it's making me happy so who cares. While we drank we walk round talking about shit. After a while we sat down and just drank drank.

For the record, I don't do drugs. I've never smoked weed and never drank more then 1 bottle of beer. For a High School kid I should get props for that.

I'm drinking this thing though... and I feel HIGH! I'm laughing at the stupidest things, I'm dancing around.... I feel weak, but as long as I drink I feel happy.

T-Diddles finishes first his drank. He wanted me to go but I wanted to finish my drank PLUS I had done all that shit on Saturday... it was his turn. So I pointed out 1 set and he went. When he get's back it's "My Turn". I've finished my drank, so I guess it is.


While drinking the shit, it kept me happy. After finishing it, no more happy pappi. My whole body felt like a blood rush, I felt light headed, I thought I was going to faint.

T-Diddles pointing out sets and I just keep saying "No, no, no, no, next, I'm not feeling well". He took this as AA, I was just being a pussy, maybe I was sick, but I was also a pussy.

I guess ya, maybe I was. I can walk with him and talk to him (actually I kept tuning out to what he was saying and just stared dead ahead of me), why can't I do it with a set. Guess I'm a pussy. He tried showing me it was easy by asking the time, but I didn't give a shit, I just wasn't feeling good.

We ended up leaving, me not having talked to anyone. I swore that I would go to bed at 10 that night though and be ready for the next day.


Today wasn't a bad day. I had gone to bed the night before at 12:00 (fell asleep at 2 but was in bed at 12) and felt well rested. I tried eating lots, but wasn't too hungry.

I left and found out I had no tickets, looked like I was walking. I got there almost 30 minutes late to a pissed off T-Diddles.

As always before we start theirs shit to do. T-Diddles wants to get a drink, return a wallet. I want to go to the water fountains. Tons of crap!

Whatever, it doesn't take too long and then it's time to start. I'm first up.

Were walking around and I had in my mind the set I wanted to approach. It was a 2 set, both girls looked good and my age. But walking around with only one scenario in your mind is a bad way to set out.

I saw 4 sets - Too many people

I saw Older sets - I don't want to be a kid hitting on a 30 year old woman

I saw Girls with ugly friends - Don't want to make the other feel bad

Tons of scenarios, but I wanted that one. T-Diddles just kept pointing out people though, none matching what I wanted.

Some were hot girl, but it wasn't the scenario I wanted. These I didn't talk to cause of fear, there, I said it!oldaznlady.jpg

Others were old, ugly or types of girls I didn't like (aka Black girls and Asian.... I'm not going to say sorry for only liking white chicks!). THESE WERE BECAUSE I DIDN'T LIKE THEM! I don't like talking to people I'm not attracted too, I don't want to learn to seduce these people. T-Diddles would tell me I had AA and was a pussy for not talking to them though. He likes old Asian ladies so to him the idea of not wanting to talk to one was crazy.

It's so hard working with someone who doesn't like the girls I like!

Eventually I broke through it though and approached this really hot, black haired lady. I said the opener and she was flattered, I didn't know whether to go on so I decided to eject (never eject, I know). Just as I say "Have a nice day" I could tell she was about to introduce herself. She's a bit flustered but says the same and I left.


After that I did a few more. I had the ones in between I didn't want to or was afraid, but I learned to break through it and go for it.

I'd done about 7 or 8 but T-Diddles was still pissed, saying I'm a pussy and shit.

We decided to break and went to Quiznos. T-Diddles got some food and bitched at me the entire time about shit... more on that later.

When we get back I did more sets. Ones I didn't like included just so I didn't have to listen to him say I'm stupid and shit.

At around 15 I'm walking around, avoiding people still and he asks if that's all. I could do more but I knew I could do them while he did his. So we started his turn.

The first set I chose I wanted to get back and the little fucker!

I pointed out an alright looking set on this ramp. I told him to do it and he said "NO! Are you fucking stupid! Their ugly, I don't want to talk to them!". I just repeated his bullshit lines back to him though about "If their no good sets you have to approach ugly girls".

Hahaha, how do you like it! Alright let's go..... WHAT THE FUCK!

T-Diddles just walks back to them and opens them. Fuck! Anything to prove a point I guess. He gets back and bitches about how easy that is and how I was still a baby for complaining about having to do it when he told me to.

That's it! This fuckers going down! I had to start doing some approaches as well. On the bottom floor their was a girl I told him to talk to, he didn't. So I thought, fine, watch this and ran back to talk to her.

On the third floor their were 2 hots girls leaning over the railing. I told him to approach but he said "No! Their ugly!". So once again I ran back and talked to them.

We walked around a bit but didn't do too many sets. Maybe not because he was bitching but also because the number of hot girls seemed low.

T-Diddles was angry I think about not doing too many and them not being good interactions. I'm happy though. All the "Good" days we've been jacked up on canned crack. I think you could say it's like guys going to bars and drinking before approaching. It's a crutch! Today we had none of that shit. It was all us and we did alright.

We were there till 6 then had to split... but I was still in a pissed off mood.



So as I was saying....

I agreed with my parents that I needed something to do and would get a job. I sort of wanted a job anyway, as long as it was something I wanted and enjoyed.

I had applied to an apple store and never heard back, my parents were starting to forget about the job.

My sister had been looking too though. She needed something that she could do when her summer job finished. One of the places she applied was this really nice, really busy, Espresso Bar/ Cafe near my house. The guy hired her on the spot because supposedly lots of people had been quitting. They REALLY needed help.

My sister came home and told my parents how easy she had gotten it and that I should get one too. WE COULD WORK TOGETHER! Add that onto the other list of pluses about this job.

1. It's 10 minutes walk from my house.
2. I was almost guaranteed a job.
3. It payed 9$ an hour! More if he liked me, PLUS TIPS!
4. I got a REALLY nice meal free when I took my break.

Awesome! I'd have money, I'd be working! It would be fun, plus all the shit I could buy!

So I applied! :D

That afternoon I found out I was hired! :)

The only problems surfaced when I got my schedule.

I was working 4 shifts the first week, ALL IN THE MORNING! My job had only 1 slot in the whole day so theirs no changing. This meant no more going to the mall and sarging on 4 of 7 days. I still had 3 days of unlimited, and the days I do work I can go after. Who knows though, this is only the first week, next week may be less.


Here's why T-Diddles was bitching at me a lot today. Feel free to comment.

T-Diddles Thinks:

This job is STUPID! I could get any other job, any other place! This one is right when it's best to sarge. Everyday I work is a day I could be getting better.

If I want to get good at sarging I should be going out almost everyday, not just 3 times a week and after work, THE WHOLE DAY on most days! This is my chance to get good, I can get a job when the summers over. I will not get in time for school.

I should quit right now and find a new job (preferably none at all).

6Teen Thinks:

I need the money. This job pays better then most other jobs I know of. It's close, it's fun, it's busy, it's GOOD!IMG_1142 Cafe Girl, Rosalie Oil-canvas 100 x 74cm.jpg

My parents will be pissed as shit if I quit, my employer will be pissed as shit and I will never be able to work there again.

The people there are nice, the job is pretty easy, it's a really nice place.

I need something to do this summer other then hit on girls! What do I tell people I did when I get back? I don't want to become some crazy guy that goes to the mall and hits on girls everyday! It's called A LIFE and girls are more attracted to a guy who has one.

Sure, going out, everyday, with someone else, I'd probably do great. But what's wrong with going out with someone 3 or 4 days, and then the other 3 or 4 doing it by myself? It's not as fun, I don't have someone to push me. SO WHAT?!?!

Am I going to give up 300$ a week so that I can have someone with me when I go hit on chicks on 3 days? That's 100$ a day!!!!

I could use the money to get someone somewhat good to come out with me and actually teach me! Maybe not a Mystery or a Tyler Durden, but some guy from a forum who is doing pretty well :P.

Nawww I wouldn't do that. People should be paying to hang out with me and hear my amazing jokes. Maybe I could do a trade, teaching in exchange for my amazing sense of humour (email me if your interested)! ;)

I will progress, regardless of whether it's at a mall with someone else, or just in my neighborhood!

Sarging should never be someones life, what they do everyday.

I think tooooo many guys get good and become dating coaches!!!! It pisses me off! For once I want to hear about a guy who gets good, best in the world, and uses his new found confidence to become head of a company or some shit. Not becoming a fucking loser who runs seminars every weekend.

Oh well, I'll just have to be that guy. Look for the stand-up comedian who has orgys after his show! :D

It's gonna be jokes!!!

Peace :D

A Customized Blog

I know T-Diddles is not the only one that reads this. I've got a tracker on this shit and theirs more of you!!!!

Don't worry I love you guys!

Since I feel i'm getting better, I want to spice up this blog. If you know of good templates suggest them!!!!

If you have anything else regarding the look or feel of the posts or blog, LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS!

I want to make it look nice. I can add stuff, lists of material, pics, anything!

Tell me and I'll pleasure you.... content wise :).

Peace Loves! :D

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Report #19 - Level Complete

I will always remember today as a turning point in my PUA development.


Well this is how jackass writers get you to read everything. They tell you there's desert but before you get it you have to eat the broccoli!

What can I say, I'm a bitch :).

Let's eat this shit fast so we can get to the good stuff, ask for the bill, and go home to jerk off.

So today started... slow?

Like yesterday I woke up not feeling my prime. If I were to rate my attitude on a Transformers scale, I'd want to be a Megatron but was a Bumblebee.

Just to let you know, my jokes make T-Diddles hot, and since he's the only feedback I'm getting this is what you have to deal with. It's called commenting bitches!

Anyway, so I ate, covered my nakedness (Ya I eat naked, you have a problem?) and set out on my Quest for a chick with nice Breasts. Since adventuring is easier when your jacked up on canned crack, I decided to make a purchase of an energy drank. I heard "Jolt" was good so I made my purchase and ventured onwards.

When I get there T-Diddles decided to be late so I had to wait. I decided to start dranking my drink. I opened this massive can of crack only to have it spray all over me :(.

T-Diddles came soon after pumped to get his grove on. I decided not clean up my crack drank and instead left it for an old man to slip on.

Of course as always we didn't start our grooving right away, we had much more important shit to do.... literally I had to shit bad... crack does not sit well in ma belly.

We go to the washroom, clean up and go out again.

I had mentioned to T-Diddles earlier I was interested in on of Apples various touch products, specifically the iTouch. Although I didn't have the money, T-Diddles wanted to go look at them. We caused havoc at the store for a while. Messed with the iTouches and i'llPhones You.

When we were pretty sure the employees were disappointed with us we decided to bounce to a new venue. Specifically the Wireless Wave so T-Diddles could mess with more iPhones then see how long it took the employees to fix them.

Once I convinced he was wasting time we decided it was serious business time. At least it would have been if my can of crack wasn't making me feel sick. We decided to get food, THEN we could start.... haha, were soo full of shit. :P

We go for food that will make us sick cheap. I have the same taste in food as I do for hookers....

Yummmm yummm, all done. We head back to the mall. On the way T-Diddles randomly tells me to pretend he's a girl and to approach him. I was confused until I figured out he wanted me to practice opening with him. We formulated an Opener so spectacular, that it makes even men give us their number.

Only thing left to do is to use it!

But before that we decided to return our Wireless Headphones. T-Diddles also decided he needed to point out to the store clerk my limited knowledge when it comes to the topic of hot girls.

ALRIGHT, NOW WE HAVE TO APPROACH!!!! Like I've heard of procrastination... but this is a whole to level of it.

So we are in the mall, walking round. T-Diddles says he's got a cramp so I stop and sit with him. I do this grounding exercise I learned from our buddy the hypnotist.... it sorta worked. Maybe just be placebo though.

But the AA is still there. It's always gonna come up when trying something new though.

The other day though I read about something called a pattern interrupt. Basically, when you are getting AA, you have a pattern of seeing a set, and thinking about how stupid it would be to talk to them. What you need to do is break the pattern. The recommended way to do this is by acting like a monkey. It sounded like a fake technique I would put in a book of my own for shits and giggles but I decided to try it. T-Diddles and I agreed we'd do it... just not near the mall.

We head out. Once were a few blocks away I decide it's a good spot to pretend were monkeys. T-Diddles all of a sudden doesn't want to though. Whatever, I don't need him.

I ran down the street acting like a monkey, then through Dundast Square acting like a monkey, then through a crowd acting like a monkey. People were pointing and T-Diddles was telling them I was retarded, but whatever.

After that I felt pretty good, tired, but pretty good.

We started walking through the mall again. We decided I should go first because I did less the day before. T-Diddles points out ugly people I don't really want to talk to. He says it's practice but I insisted that's not the kind of practice you use a direct opener on.

Let me just say what direct is all about.

Direct: Being spontaneous, being HONEST, being sincere (something that's hard to fake).

I could go up to some chicks I didn't like, it wouldn't be honest or sincere... it would just be me saying a line. I could say the line to him and it would almost be the same amount of practice.

So I just kept telling him no and let him whine about how I shouldn't care and just do it.

Then I saw a 2 set, a brunette and a blonde. They were heading towards the elevator. I told T-Diddles I was going for it and started my "Speed Walk". It's a speed walk, not a run. I do it whenever I don't intend to approach or am REALLY unsure.

By the time I got there they were down the elevator and walking away. T-Diddles saying "Go! Before they walk into a store!". So I continue my speed walk, the whole time thinking whether or not to go.

Then it hit me "FUCK IT!"!

I switched to a run and tapped them on the shoulder, he's what happened.

6Teen: Hey, I have to go quick, but your cute I had to say hi.

I put in pauses, said it slow. The first part they had a straight face, but when cute came they lit up and started giggling. There was HB(Blonde) and HB(Brown).

HB(Blonde) and HB (Brown): Hahaha, Thanks!

6Teen: I know, that's pretty random right?

HB(Blonde): No! Not at all!

HB(Brown): What's your name?

6Teen: My names _____, what's yours?

HB(Brown): I'm X

*Shake hand*

6Teen: Nice to meet you X, and yours?

HB(Blonde): Mines Y.

6Teen: Nice to meet you Y. So what have you guys been doing today?

HB(Brown): Not much, just shopping.

6Teen: Nice, which stores?

HB(Brown): Aritzia (I dunno if that's how you spell it :S)

6Teen: Omg, cool! Whenever I'm in there everyone's soo.... (I wanted to say hot, cause at least 2 times a day I'll be chasing down a girl and she'll head into Aritzia... but I saved myself) rich!

HB(Brown): Hahaha, well you know, were just spending our extra pay check money.

6Teen: Paycheck? Where do you work?

HB(Brown): Oh, were from Hamilton.

6Teen: And you came all this way just to shop? :O How far is Hamilton exactly.

HB(Brown): Like 1 hour or so.

6Teen: Cool, you never told me what your job was.

HB(Brown): Oh, we organize events.

6Teen: OOOooo lala! Events! What kind of EVENTS are we speaking of?

HB(Brown): Hahaha, Weddings

6Teen: :O You plan wedding?!? OMG! That's sick. Do you ever get to go to any?

HB(Brown): Hahaha, yaaaa :)

(I know it seems all like HB Brown... I can't remember word for word and who said what. I was just talking shit. After she said that I was amazed to hear myself say...)

6Teen: Omg, you guys are sooo cool! Here, I have to go. Write your contact info? You have facebook or something?

HB(Brown): Oh ya, here :).

*Writes her name*

HB(Blonde): Write down mine too! :)

6Teen: Cool, I'll add you guys! Have a nice day!

I think this calls for a:


My first close!!!! :D

Before I go onto later events I'll just say what was wrong with this.

1. Too short, should have talked more with them.

2. Not enough sharing. I should have given more "Non-Question" answers. For example, talking about the things she said, anything instead of asking about it.

3. Should have made her Qualify. I sort of did with "Aritzia? That's expensive" and them saying "Well we have our paycheck to spend".... not enough though.

4. Kept talking after the close. I just got it and got out. I should have stayed and made the info be like a side thing to talking to them.

5. Talk more to HB(Blonde). I know she talked more then I said, but I should have asked her things. I gave too much attention to HB(Brown), probably cause she was the target. MISTAKE!

That's all I can think, but tell me more if you see them.

So after that I go see T-Diddles. He's freaked out! He can't believe I did it! I'm just SUPER excited!

We walk around as I try to calm myself down. T-Diddles is still amazed. But it's over, time to move on. So I say "Alright, sick, okay, your turn now". But this guy wants more magic from me. He won't go unless I do ONE more. T-Diddles says "I will, I will go. I just want to know that it wasn't a fluke, it was your pure skill".

I was too excited after that, I didn't fee like another. But he insisted and pointed out yesterday he had done more, I had to even it out.

Alright, fine, whatever!

So he points out a girl walking alone (I would say this was a bad idea. I don't like getting told who to go Direct on, I like choosing and doing it myself.).

Whatever I approach, do the opener.

She smiles but kinda keeps moving. I walk with her and ask if it's random. She says it is. I ask what she's doing and she says she's going to a soccer game with her parents and BOYFRIEND. For some reason (I feel like an idiot now for saying this) I go "Ohhh, that sounds boring". She didn't really say anything so I ejected and let her go.

Mistakes with this one.

1. Didn't stop her. I kind of kept walking with her. I should have stopped, planted and kept talking no matter what.

2. My body language or tonality was a bit off probably. I should make sure I get that down.

3. I told her the soccer game was boring.... WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING THAT MAKES THAT SEEM BORING!?!?! Fighting bears?!?! I should have asked something OR even better ASSUMED, by saying something like "Do you play soccer" OR "OMG! Your a soccer player?".

Whatever though, she had a Boyfriend, I'm not going to get into his business.

So I went back and talked to T-Diddles. I say "Alright, whatever, your turn". But the little bitch isn't satisfied!

He says "No! Your doing another! I'm not going till you close another girl!". In my head I'm thinking "Dude... I've only done it once. I can't just pull that shit out of my ass. It's getting late, you haven't done shit! I've done 2 and acted like a fucking monkey!".

I tried explaining this but he was unmovable. He seemed really pissed off too. He said shit like "I don't want to do this anymore, I'm quitting PU". I was stunned. "Excuse me?! Just do it! I'll go again after you". T-Diddles said he was going home if I wasn't going again. So I said "Fine, I need to go buy pants, I'll go do that now.".

He told me he would come buy the pants, then after I had to do another. Ugh!

We went shopping and I got my shit. By the time we were done though I had to do, and so did he. T-Diddles was just complaining about how big a waste of a day it was. Called me a baby for not doing it. Hahaha, hypocrite :).

Anyway, that's the end of the fun story.

I'd just like to mention now some stuff I've notice since starting this though. It's stuff me and T-Diddles have both noticed.

Personality Shift!

Ever since starting this we are becoming different people. T-Diddles got told at work by some girl that he'd changed. "A 360 degree change, happy at work now, happy and cooler in general". He used to not like Subways and stores because he thought everyone was looking at him. Now he just doesn't give a shit and whistles to his music on the subway.

Same here!

I had to go shopping today. I remember I would look for pants that looked nice, my size, I'd buy them and leave. Actually I had to have my sister come and find them. I felt stupid looking at clothes. I thought people were looking and judging me based on what I was checking out. I refused to use the change room too.

Today, no problem. I had fun shopping :).


I've noticed old fears leaving and new ones coming. I'm not as afraid of people any more. I used to not want to look or have any thing to do with strangers. People trying to hand stuff out or selling were like seeing a gang of gangsters walking my way. I'd almost go to the other side of the street to avoid them!

Now it's different. I joke with the Sick Kids guys when they ask for money.

I used to HATE forums. I was scared shitless to post because if people didn't like what I wrote in anyway it hurt. I'd get notified of a reply and my heart would beat faster.

Now I don't give a shit. I went on this guys forum and posted a long thing of stuff I didn't like that he was doing. Everyone on the site loves this guy and I knew people wouldn't like everything I wrote.


But as I said, old ones go, new ones come.

I'm not afraid to approach, today I got a number though. Now I'm wondering if they'll message me back, will they think I'm too young (I'm 16... their 20 something :S), will they not accept my friend request, will they write something awkward to me??!!?! What's going to go wrong.

Hahaha, the one added me, I worried about them maybe not for nothing!

Really I shouldn't care though. Who cares. I don't know them, I talked to them, they liked me, if they change that cause of something on facebook they aren't cool people.

Oh well.

I keep on trecking.

Peace Out! :D


Report #18 - The Competition

The Big Day!

Yesterday we got a taste for the Direct approach, Today we ate it for dinner! :D

When I woke up I wasn't really feeling in the mood to do this stuff. It was really early (for me :P) but whatever. I did all my shit, eating and getting ready. By the time I was done though I only had 20 minutes to get out there :S. No time to get energy drinks or even to walk.

I ended up just taking the streetcar and accidently got off a stop early just as I hear the clock clang 12:00. Whatever, I get there when I get there.

I'm late, whatever, me and the Diddles talk specifics. Lucky guy had a beastly energy drink and I didn't :(. FUCK!. Whatever. At 12:15 we book and go different ways. The rules are...

- We each have 2 hours.
- For it to count you need to transition the conversation.
- Opening Direct and Transitioning gets you 1 point.
- Getting a Phone Number gets you 5 points.
- If we see each other we can't say how many we've done.
- Meet back at the start point after the 2 hours.
- You lose 1 point for every 5 minutes your late.
- The one with less points pays the other 20$.

Ding Ding Ding, I'm off.

I run up stairs, see two girls sitting down. I start thinking "Next one, their too young" too which I reply "Go fuck yourself!". I go open, exchange name with them, ask how their days going, cool, I don't care, see ya later!

YAY! Energy boost, 1 down in like 5 seconds. I go to the 3rd floor... not many people, TILL I SEE T-DIDDLES WALKING TOWARDS ME!

He starts asking how many I've done but I won't tell him. He keeps asking though so I finally tell him 1. He freaks out cause he hasn't done any! Woot, I'm winning, nothing to it. :)

I get through the third floor, go down 2 floors to the 1st. I see 2 girls walking towards the food court. The inner dialogue starts up: "Your winning, their passing, keep moving". Good thing I was on top of it "Hahaa, I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!".

I prance over, spin them my way and open them up.

Woot, 2 done, I'm da man!

Now I want to mention something important. At the start of summer I bought 2 packs of 5 Gum, Rain. For some reason I think chewing gum makes me look bad-ass or something, so whenever we hang out, right when we start, I chew a stick of it.


At this point I realized I wasn't chewing my gum, so I pulled it out and got moving. I notice a set and the inner dialogues still there "Don't do it, it's not a great one, the next one will be better". So I walk on the 1st floor and don't approach. Then I notice the T-Diddles again, he grabs me again and demands to know how many I've gotten. I don't tell him at first, but give in again. I've done 2, he's done 1. Wow, I ignored some sets but I'm still winning. Let's keep it up.

Keep walking, but all the sets I see make me think "I don't want to, not this one, the next one, I dunno she looks old, are those her parents?"... stuff like that.

I walked around for 45 minutes or so and decided to throw out my gum.

After that I felt a bit better. I was thinking I could do some more.

Then I saw T-Diddles. He runs up to me and says "OMG! I've done soo many! I'm not even joking! How many have you done?!". I'm freaked out cause I've only done 2 but I've got a bit of hope cause he's a liar. So I asked how many and he says "15!!!!!". I just think "FUCK!!!!!!!!!!"

I tried booking it but he grabs me and is desperate to know how many I've done. After I tell him he's soo disappointed. I decide at this point I'm not gonna beat him and admit to defeat. After that I had to deal with getting told how easy it was.

I decided I needed to get more then 2. The energy drink worked for him so I went for one too. I bought one and we walked around the block while the mall refreshed (I didn't want to approach the same people as him).

Haha, random side-note. We went to Dundast Square and saw one of Kenny's (From Kenny vs Spenny) camera men.

Anyway. After walking and talking the shit we head back in. I was definitely feeling a lot better after the drink and the walk. We ran around the mall and did some more sets.

One of the things I tried was a way of opening a moving set. T-Diddles had been just stopping them while they walked by. I wanted to try another way I had heard. I walked by the set, they saw me. After they passed, I turned round and ran back, tapped them on the shoulder and used the direct opener.

They were super happy! :P

Something about it. I think they were proud they stopped me in my tracks.

The final number of approaches was about 20 for T-Diddles and 7 for 6Teen. After that we called it a day cause T-Diddles had to go to work.

And we all lived happily ever after, knowing the next day we would be able to rock it even better.

Now for everyone thinking "Why the fuck did he tell me to remember the gum?!?!". I think I may know why I had trouble approaching. For anyone who has studied NLP you know you can anchor certain emotions. You can do this by pinching yourself, touching your arm, or in my case CHEWING THE SAME GUM, whatever you want whenever you are experiencing the feeling very strongly.

Ever since we've started, as soon as we head out I start chewing this gum. And whenever we go out I have those strong, nervous, scared feelings. I think that by chewing the gum, I anchored my AA. :S

So looks like I'll have to hold off the gum for a while and only chew it when I feel really good.

A good day though none the less!!!! :D

I just want to point out there are lots of programs for getting rid of AA. Their 21 day things where you go out and ask for the time everyday... this gets you past your AA 21 days later.

This is Report #18. After going out 18 days I've almost completely rid myself of AA, and gotten to the level where I can use one of the most ballsiest openers! Damn Gurrrrllll I'm looking FINE!!!!


I've noticed the confidence boost. This is a bad example but I'll say it.

I'm a hater of forums. I don't think i get anything out of them and whenever I post I'm worried about how people will respond. My heart beats faster when I get a reply because I'm afraid it will be some jackass making fun of what I said.

Today I had to post in this forum though. I needed to vent some hating for a site on their own forum :P. When I got a response I figured it was probably going to be someone mad at me... but I didn't care! :D

Wow, 18 days and my forum phobia is gone! Yay!

BTW, Totally worth it ;).

Now I start entering what I would consider my area of expertise. Just plain shooting the shit with girls! T-Diddles may be able to open like a beast, but I have a feeling conversing might be an area I can rock at. But we'll see!

Cover yourself girls!

I'm cuming for ya ;).


Goals For Tommorow

Goals always seem to motivate me. Here are some of my goals for tomorrow.


1. Approach 20 Sets Or More

2. Get 2 numbers

3. Open 1 mixed set

4. Approach a set within the first 3 minutes

5. Beat T-Diddles and get 20$ :)

Report #17 - The Direct Approach

As far as I'm concerned, if your approaching during the day, direct is the way to go.

Girls know why you're talking to them, why waste time talking about Bullshit and get the point. Today was the start of my Direct career.

The day started off at Yorkdale. I'd never been there while it was busy. Most hot girls seemed to be with their parents. T-Diddles got a set in pretty quick. He got the perfect opportunity with this lady, sitting by herself in a quieter part of the mall. It took pushing but he did it.

Before that I had been asking a few people for the time. I thought if I got my mind into chatty mode I could do it... but no. Something about going up and being direct is really hard.

After the T-Diddles sucked up the pain and did it though, we went and ate. It was some greek place. While he was standing in line I notice this one cute girl sitting at the table in-front of the food place. She was looking at me and I thought "Approach? Nawww...". T-Diddles starts telling me to sit down and motions to the spot beside the girls. So I was like "They were looking at me...why don't I talk to them". While I struggled in my mind what to do, the people sitting sort of close to the girls left. Now chairs farther away from them were available... we didn't HAVE to sit beside them.... there were spots farther down. But by this point I'd convinced myself to do it. So I sat beside them and said "What's up?!". The one friend just have WTF look and says "Nothing". I had no clue what to say so I kinda just left and pretended I needed to talk to the T-Diddler.


So when I went back we sat a bit farther down and I ignored the chicks.

When the food was finished we went back down to do more sets. I was looking for the perfect sets. Someone I actually did find cute and wanted to talk to. I couldn't see anyone really though. T-Diddles talked to some more people who were pumped whenever he told them they were "Super Cute". Two of the sets got FAFed (Flattered As Fuck) and the other two ignored him.

I still hadn't done any and was looking for a good group. Finally I saw 3 girls standing round a map, I didn't have to think or tell myself to do it, I just did it. It was funny though. Since it was a 3 set I said "Hey, you guySSSS are really cute". The one girl gave me a serious look and said "All of us?". In reality maybe not all... but to avoid being mean I said "Ya... all of you". Then she lit up and got FAFed. :P

Yorkdale at this point didn't seem to be providing enough targets, so we decided to go to the Eaton Center again.

Here we did some more. Not many though. I did one more, another really good one though :). It was 4 girls, leaning over this railing. I walked up, turned them round and told them they were all super cute. Too bad THEY DIDN'T SPEAK ENGLISH! AHHHH. When I left I saw 4 guys just looking at me.... I dunno if those were their girls or if they thought I had monster balls.

T-Diddler did a few more people who were by themselves. Maybe 2 or 3.

After that though, despite there being a good amount or people... I couldn't approach. The ride to Yorkdale killed the mood, the approaches got the adrenaline moving, the ride back killed it again, then by the time we had done some more the energy was gone.

T-Diddles said it was a waste, he'd done 7 and I'd done 3... 6 if you add the people I asked for the time.

I say it was a good day, maybe not spectacular... but good. What have we done up till now, indirect. Sure when we did that we could each do almost 20 in a day. Great, I'd say that means no more fear of indirect. Now were upping our game with a harder approach.

When we did indirect it was pretty good. We could approach and we had stuff to say to keep the ball rolling for at least a bit. All that took about 4 days or practice to get though.

Now were trying out something new, harder and more advanced. Is it a surprise that we only did a few?

So he can say we've been wasting our time, were not getting anywhere. But I like to be positive and say we've come a ways and were doing well. :)

The plan for tomorrow should get the ball rolling even more though.


So whenever me and the other one walk around, all that happens is a non-stop dialogue of "It's your turn, go, okay fine I'll go, no you, what do I say, I forgot the opener, what do I say after that, point out a set and I'll approach, alright that one didn't count, that one neither, alright next one I swear!". It's terrible and not very motivating. And why should I talk to girls when I have this crazy guy to talk to the whole time.

So tomorrow I'm ditching that guy. Were both going to walk around separately for 2 hours. Were both going to be competing though. Each person needs to approach and get as many numbers as possible. The person with the most will get a cash reward from the other. :)

This will work because:

1. We won't have each other to talk to and waste time.

2. We'll be motivated by money.

3. We won't know how many the others done, just have to do as many as we can.

Results tomorrow! CAN YOU WAIT?!

Till Then, Peace!

Why I Ass Fuck My Fears

One of the things PUA1 recommended me to do was write down things I can do at the end of my blog posts (aka "Field Reports") to improve. So here's my piece on how I think of myself, my beliefs and where I'm at.

Where I'm At:

Right now I have a dying urge to go do this stuff as much as I can. When I'm at home all my problems seem to work out. I'm not fearing having to go out. I'm excited and I believe when I go out I'll get great results. I know if I go out and approach as many girls as possible it will just blast my progress.

When I get to the mall it's a different story. My fears come back.

- What if she ignores me?
- Will she think I'm weird?
- Is doing this weird?
- Does she not want to be talked to?
- What if I'm talking and there's a silence and it gets awkward?
- If it sucks she'll go and tell her friends about this creepy loser she just met.

Haha, that's all my fears. Maybe I'll get more if she has a bitchy vibe when I see her but this is the main list.

Personally I think I'm very good with girls. I really do think I'm a cool guy, I really do think I'm funny. My biggest problem is breaking the silence and going and talking to them. I think if I could get past these fears, and be able to approach confidently, knowing they are going to react positively no matter what, I'd be light years closer to being REALLY good at this stuff.

Maybe that's cocky or something, but it's what I really believe. So right now I'm going to try and break down these fears with a sledge hammer or reason.

Step 1: Looking at both sides

- What if she ignores me?
What if she stops dead in her tracks and gives me all her attention?

- Will she think I'm weird?
Might she think I'm the ballsiest, most confident guy she's ever met?

- Is doing this weird?
Is being attracted to girls, wanting to meet them, and having a desire to be with them weird?

- Does she not want to be talked to?
Have I ever met a super hot girl who is super shy and doesn't like talking to people? Or are they all super social, chatty and popular?

- What if I'm talking and there's a silence and it gets awkward?
How long does it take to hook? A minute or less? Can I not talk about shit for 1 minute? Doesn't she want to be as comfortable about it as me? Won't she work just as hard to not get the silence as I will?

- If it sucks she'll go and tell her friends about this creepy loser she just met.
Does she know anything about me? Do I have to talk to someone for them to think I'm a creepy loser? Can I just as easily be a loser by walking around, avoiding social interactions my whole life, sitting home alone, not getting invited out, jerking off because I can't get action? Isn't it the only way not to be a loser talking to them?

Step 2: Answer My Questions

- What if she ignores me?
What if she stops dead in her tracks and gives me all her attention?

It's true, she's just as likely to really want to talk to me as she is to really not want to.

If she stops and is really eager to talk to me, on a scale of 1-10 how good is that going to make me feel? I'd say an 8 :).

If she walks by without a word, on a scale from 1-10 how much is that going to hurt? I'd say a 1... maybe.

So really, I can't really fear her ignoring me. If she does it doesn't really hurt, who cares. If she stops though and likes talking to me it's going to boost my confidence SOO much. Really I can only gain confidence by talking to people. And the one's that ignore me? Who gives a shit, the more it happens the less I'll care anyway.

- Will she think I'm weird?
Might she think I'm the ballsiest, most confident guy she's ever met?

I've decided to send my game in a very "Direct" sort of direction. So let's go over this "weird" situation pretending I'm in the girls situation.

I'm walking around, bored, hanging out with my friend which I do every week. Were talking about the same lame, boring stuff. Ugh!

Then all of a sudden a really hot girl starts walking straight towards me, tells me to stop. Looks me dead in the eyes and says "Omg, I know this is very forward... but you are the cutest guy I've seen all day!".

How fucking good would that make me feel? Forget she's hot, she's a mediocre looking girl, but she comes up and tells me I'm the cutest guy she's seen all day. What am I going to start thinking?

"Ewwww, what a weird ugly girl. Why would you say that? Go away, your creepy and weird!"

It's so hard to even type that it's soo fucking STUPID! I'd be flattered as fuck! I don't care if she's ugly, I'd light up and be happy. I'd talk to her if she wanted to chat.

The truth is I don't think I'm a "mediocre" looking guy even. I think I'm attractive to girls. I've been told by a lot of girls that i'm cute and such. A girl wouldn't be concerned by how I look though, she'd be thinking "What a ballsy guy to come and say that to me".

The idea that I will get "That's weird" as a reaction is so unlikely it sickens me to think this is (or was) a fear of mine.

- Is doing this weird?
Is being attracted to girls, wanting to meet them, and having a desire to be with them weird?

I think the opposite question tells all. I can answer with 100% certainty that the answer to that is no!

- Does she not want to be talked to?
Have I ever met a super hot girl who is super shy and doesn't like talking to people? Or are they all super social, chatty and popular?

I'm trying to think of the last time I was walking down the street thinking "IF A GIRL TALKS TO ME I'M GOING TO BE SO FUCKING PISSED!". I'd LOVE a girl to just come up and chat with me. Why wouldn't girls not be the same?

Maybe guys less so, but even so, if it was a cool guy I'D BE PSYCHED!

I'm a cool guy, guys will be pumped to talk to me.... I'm a guy so girls should be pumped to talk to me by default :).

- What if I'm talking and there's a silence and it gets awkward?
How long does it take to hook? A minute or less? Can I not talk about shit for 1 minute? Doesn't she want to be as comfortable about it as me? Won't she work just as hard to not get the silence as I will?

Then I'll try my hardest to keep it going. I'll find something about their clothes, something they said, something in the environment, ANYTHING. Really though there shouldn't be any silence. I should get my conversation skills to a point where this doesn't happen.

What am I talking to, getting them there though... they are there!

Can I not actually keep a conversation going with anyone? My mom, my friends, anyone? Of course I can! So fuck this thought that "Oh I can't keep a conversation".

I just met her... the things I can talk about are endless. I can banter with her, ask her what she thought of me talking to her. If I get going I should be able to keep it going. I know this isn't that hard and shouldn't be a concern. I just have to ask things I care about and that interest me and then listen to how she responds.

I'm realizing how writing how dumb this is, I'm gonna just take down ideas of things I can randomly talk about.

- Do you get approached often? I can add in "By nice young men?".
- If she's not giving good answers. "Why are you so shy?" "Why don't you have an oppinion?" "You need to try harder then this if your to keep me entertained, what's the craziest thing you've ever done?". The list goes on, I thought of those in 10 secs.


- If it sucks she'll go and tell her friends about this creepy loser she just met.

Does she know anything about me? Do I have to talk to someone for them to think I'm a creepy loser? Can I just as easily be a loser by walking around, avoiding social interactions my whole life, sitting home alone, not getting invited out, jerking off because I can't get action? Isn't it the only way not to be a loser talking to them?

Tell her friends what? She met some weird guy?


So they know she met someone weird... someone that could be any one of the billions of people on this planet! I can't remember a persons face unless I hang out with them for a really long time. Even the PUAs today I'm sure I'll forget what they look like in a day or two. People aren't going to remember you from a 1 minute interaction. They have better things to remember.

She may think it's weird. IT'S WEIRD. IT'S being the key word. IT'S meaning not you, the interaction. She can't think YOU'RE weird, she doesn't even know you. Even if some guys came up to me and did the craziest shit, I wouldn't be able to say "THOSE GUYS ARE FUCKED UP!". I'd say "THAT WAS FUCKED UP!".

I know I've heard "They aren't rejecting you, it's the opener" and would think "Well that's how I frame it, but they'll frame it the other way". Well now that I think of it, if I "rejected a cold approach" I would actually feel like I rejected the action, not the person. So it works both ways.

But if that's not enough then look at it this way.... WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK?!?! So what, she didn't like me, I guess I'll have to find one of the other millions of other beautiful women that do.

Alright, so those are my fears and why they're dumb. I don't think I've ever heard a legit fear.

Now that I know how fucked up and stupid my fears are I am going to learn to get rid of them completely. They don't stop me from pain, I'm in pain not getting what I want in life. They have no real purpose but to hold me back from what I want and what will make me happy.

So all together now before I go, let's all agree to shout in unison.


Peace out! :)

Report #16 - Meeting More PUAs

Today was supposed to just be another day sarging... and by the looks of the start, a bad one.

I think we really need to stop procrastinating. After meeting up we tend to go get food, go get money, go do this or that. Just things that waste time and pull our focus from what were there to do.

I'm making a rule right now. After I meet up with the T-Diddler, I have to approach 5 sets before I can do anything else. Before I can buy stuff, before I can go to the washroom, before ANYTHING! I'm getting up and going.

Today was bad because after meeting up we went to the bank, went for food, it would have been terrible if we'd started to try sarging after that. We'd done all this stuff, gone to banks, ate food. The last thing on the list before sarging was an energy drink.

So were walking and T-Diddle says "Yo! That guy is so a pua". I looked and sure enough this cool dressed guy is talking to this girl. I looked just in time to see him leave the set. I thought "Sick, we should meet these guys and they can help us". These guys weren't like our other friend we met, they were older and seemed to know what they were doing.

We weren't sure though if they really were so we decided to follow and see if they opened anyone else. Sure enough they did in no time. T-Diddles asked me if we should talk to them so I said "Ya! Go when they come this way and ask if they've read the game". All of a sudden he started saying "No, no. Who cares, we don't need them, let's just go". I couldn't believe it. I told him he had to talk to them, I was the one who approached the PUA last time. The idea of having to talk to them just made him not want to meet with them either more. He was saying "No, no. Common, who cares, let's go.... you do it". I just thought "Ugh, why argue?".

I sat at the end of the hall and waited for them to finish the set they were in. When they came by I went up and said "Hey, have you guys read the game?". This seemed to put them on the defensive. They said "Ya, why do you say that, cause were talking to girls? We don't use the stuff from that book thougn". I don't know but it seemed like they were sort of startled. I just said "Oh that's awesome, us too!".

We talked for a bit and they said "Oh cool, well were going to eat now. If you guys want to come we'll work on limiting beliefs and we can do stuff with you guys. I was pumped! :)

We walked with them for a bit. They needed to go into the source to find something. The one guy (I'll call him PUA1) pointed out this lady on the phone at the counter and said "Go ask her how her days going". In all honesty, she wasn't that attractive, she was on the phone, and she was working... I really didn't want to. At the same time I wanted to do what these guys were saying cause it seemed they knew what to do. In the end I didn't do it. Me and the T-Diddles just looked at phones while PUA1 opened this russian girl and PUA2 looked for what he needed.

I should mention at this point they both had tennis balls. PUA1 had given his ball to the russian girl but PUA2 still had his and didn't want it. So after walking out of the store, there was a sort of balcony thing and PUA2 says "Set there" and throws his ball down off the balcony. I thought he did it to open a set he saw but turns out he just didn't want it.

Anyway, after he does that I see 2 security guards at the one end of the Balcony, they start walking towards us after he throws it. PUA1 and PUA2 had been walking a bit behind us and me and the T-Diddles had been walking a bit ahead. I was hoping the security guards would think they weren't with us... but we weren't that fortunate. The guy comes over and yells at PUA2. He says he should call the cops and get us thrown out. He escorts both of them and us out of the building.

On the escalator we got a bit yelled at too. I just tried to play it off as though I was disgusted as well and didn't know why he did it. Anyway, we got kicked out :(.

These guys were looking for a charger for their cell so we headed into future shop. PUA1 set off the alarm walking in. This cute asian girl who worked by the exit was there and asked what might have set it off. PUA1 said "I don't know, maybe it's my condoms" :P. It turned out it was and he started messing with her, offering her his condoms to hold onto.

While he was doing that PUA2 pointed something hilarious out. We were standing there looking at phones or something and he said "Oh look, Spenny is over there if you want to say Hi to him" :P. Hahaha, sure enough Spenny (from Kenny vs Spenny) was standing there :P. Me and the T-Diddles went up and said hi. Told him we loved the show and we liked him better then Kenny. He didn't sound very enthusiastic that we were talking to him :P, he also looked dressed and groomed crapy. Now that I think about it, we should have asked him if he wanted us to show him how to game girls :P.

After that those two still wanted something to eat so me and T-Diddles just sort of tagged along. They went to this Korean Grill place. We'd already eaten so I just ordered a drink and hung out with them.

These guys turned out to be pretty cool. The one (PUA2) had been studying online for 4 years before going out and doing stuff. This guy had been at it for 7 months so far and gotten results (a lay after around 300 approaches). He'd taken a bootcamp and his game seemed very direct and aggressive. He seemed to open with "Omg! I just saw you and your so fucking sexy I just had to come over and say Hi!". I think it was too high energy (something PUA1 kept telling him) and also the swearing was a bit much for the day. I didn't see it work for him but who knows.

PUA1 had only been going out with other people for a week or two. He'd been to a David Deangelo seminar and said it blew his mind. I don't know how long he'd been doing it but I'm guessing less then 7 months.

Anyway, so we talked to these guys for a few hours it must have been about just random pickup stuff. They told us stories about stuff they had done and their views on certain aspects of game.

After eating I was sort of in "Talking with friends mode" instead of "Picking up girls mode". We left though and they wanted to do stuff. We mainly just walked down the street and said "Hi" to everyone. Sort of less then what I expected from these guys. PUA2 ran across the street to use his "Fucking Sexy" opener on a woman, but it didn't turn out well.

I don't know how we got to this but we started talking about being ballsy. The idea popped into someone's head of going up to people and saying "Hey, me and my friends are looking to get laid, are you interested?".

We all did it, it wasn't as has as I thought and after that, the prospect of telling a girl she's cute was nothing.

That was about the climax of our approaches though. I was a bit disappointed by how little we did. We kept walking with them though because they were going in my houses direction to where all these computer stores are.

After going to the store near my house I decided to call it a day, and they did too. We exchanged numbers so maybe in the future we'll see them again. It's always good to have a list of PUAs. I have a group on msn just for PUAs. :)

So all in all, not a very productive day, but cool none the less.

Oh well, were getting there.

Peace out! :)

Report #15 - I Have SuperConfidence!

Once again, back at the malls!

Recently I've been looking into products for Inner Game. I was suggested a few like "Paul McKenna - Supreme Self Confidence" and "Archer Sloan - SuperConfidence". I've been doing Hypnotica's "Collection of Confidence" and I'll almost finished. I just need to go out and do something crazy, like wear a dildo on my head (I wanted to go to a mall and offer free hugs to everyone but T-diddles thinks that's stupid...).

"Supreme Self-Confidence" was recommended by our Hypnotherapy friend. I tried it and the Trance part is crazy... I was so relaxed I felt out of my body.

"SuperConfidence" was one I found on a torrent site. I filtered out everything except the Hypnosis/ NLP torrents and ordered everything by times downloaded. It was the second most downloaded in that category. I looked at peoples comments and they were fairly positive. Searching on the internet about it though I couldn't find ANYTHING!

I decided the one downloaded over 1,000 times and guarantees confidence in 10 days was better then the 3 week program. So a few days ago that's what I started.

The product consists of 4 CDs. The first is just a bunch of really hard promises and goals to make. They are INSANE. Like no more lying, TV, masturbating, talking to people you don't have to... stuff like that.

The next CD is weird too. It's a relaxation type exercise where you see yourself as blue energy.

The 3rd and 4th CDs are missions to do over the 10 days. Today I completed mission #1! :D

Supposedly knowing the missions ruins the products so I won't say what it was. I will say however that I think it was a good exercise for getting comfortable with people and I can't wait to see what the next ones are.

Today me and T-Diddles went to the mall and did our thing. I had these missions I needed to do so I decided to go first. I opened 40 sets in total. After that we decided to take a break then headed back to meet-up with our Hypno-Friend. T-Diddles didn't want to do any approaches till our friend got there. We waited from 4:30 (when he was meeting us) till 5:00 (WHEN HE WAS 30 MINUTES LATE!). T-Diddles obviously wanted him to come so even though we'd waited forever T-Diddles still had me go to the next floor and watch the fountain as we waited some more. I wanted to see the guy too so it was cool.

Finally at 5:10 or so, JUST BEFORE WE LEAVE, I see the guy walk up to the fountain. We yelled down and met up with him.

Hypno-Man needed to eat so I walked around with the T trying to get him to open some sets. We were hungry too though so we eventually gave up and went for pizza.

When we were all done eating we were off to the races!

Don't get too excited... it wasn't that spectacular. T-Diddles opened a seated set, Hypno-Man another... DUHN-DUHN-DUHN, it was my turn. Those two obviously thought I was having mad AA cause they started telling me if I didn't go they'd push me to.

We went up to the first floor and I saw these two girls heading towards the escalator. I was walking towards them but didn't get there before they got on the escalator. They looked at me and I looked away thinking "Fuck, they saw me, I can't open now". Then I thought "That's bullshit! I can still open!" so I got on and went and opened them.

They laughed at my question and we got off the escalator and started talking. They were SO into me! OMG and the one was SO hot! AHHHH!!!!

I kept the conversation going and they were really excited to be talking to me. I teased them a bit. The hotter one was touching her lips and shit.

At this point I should have locked in, and just continued talking about whatever shit they told me, changed the subject based on something they said and gone for the number.


But I didn't lock in, I didn't grab the chance to move the conversation in another direction. Eventually I ran out of shit to say and ejected. Hypno-Man was telling me he was so close to coming and winging me. Damn!

I walked away from them though and lost the chance. When I looked across to the side where they were at I saw the hot one looking at me and checking me out...



After that the mall was fairly dull. T-Diddles and Hypno-Man opened a few more but left a little later.



Boys and Girls, Men and Women, Puppies and Pussies..... DON'T FUCKING EJECT!

That word is no longer in my vocabulary. Fuck what people think of me, Fuck what they will think of me, Fuck what will happen.... I swear to the gods I don't believe in, I WILL NEVER EJECT AGAIN! If I want to eject I'll ask for the phone number and let them tell me to fuckoff.

Nawww they wouldn't do that.... AND FUCK THEM IF THEY DO!

Who gives a shit, it's all about you. Don't base your self-worth on how many people don't like you, how many people have rejected you.

Fuck that shit.

I'm basing my worth on how I feel about myself. I don't feel like shit if they reject me, but I will feel super amazing when they like me, when I go for the number and get it! :D

That's how you should be thinking Biznitches.

Peace Out!

Report #15 - Getting Even!

Bahahaha, T-Diddles isn't going to like this post... but it's my blog so who cares! :D

How exciting after such an eventful day to be back in the field! :)

So yesterday (Let's all pretend this was posted the day before like it should have been) I told the amazing tale of getting shown up like crazy and going home feeling like I'd lost my "Superiority". After that I was interested to see what would happen today. Would I still just settle for less while T rocked the place? I wasn't feeling my best so I only assumed.

On the bright side, I GOT THE RECORDER TO WORK! :D

It's always motivational to know that someone is going to be listening, means you have to step up your game.

This morning T was feeling the AA again... me not really, but being up till 4am after a whole day of walking around, getting up at 10:30am, and walking 40 mins to a mall isn't the best way to prepare for sarging. Can I be blamed after the little amount of sleep I've gotten if I don't want to talk to people? I don't know, you tell me. Maybe it's AA or maybe I'm sleep deprived!

Anyway, since I felt good and felt I had catching up to do I decided to do 20 first! Once again it was the other chooses the sets, and you have to approach them. Now that my AA isn't THAT severe is this still really necessary? I didn't think about it then... but pushing is something you do when approaching freezes you... causing you to do nothing all day.

Whatever, it's what we did.

I'm happy for T and all, rocking the other day. However I must say, a combination of the confidence from that plus my praise may have made him a bit over-confident.

He really was pushing me, people on their cells, big burly guys (THAT HE HAD ASKED THE SAME QUESTION TO THE DAY BEFORE!), mothers and sons, groups with more guys then girls, a lady who was in the middle of talking to a sales person about buying something. And it was good so props to him for making me do it.

But some I just couldn't do.

A lady buying stuff... talking to a sales person? Ya, ya, ya. It's all possible but to pull it off and make it work you'd have to be really good. I'm all for pushing my comfort zone.... but some things I just won't do. I like walking ahead and finding my own sets. I find it way more easier then having someone walking beside me, saying "The lady in the purple shirt standing right behind us!" and running off expecting me to do it.

This guy though was really giving it to me. Saying I had no balls and that I was a pussy whenever I didn't do a set he told me to. If I told him it was unreasonable or anything he'd say "What are you talking about, I could have done that!"....whatever. :P

So that's how my 20 were. We each had 2 hours to do 20 and I did mine in 1h40m.

YAY! T's turn! I could choose all the hardest sets and show him how it felt. I was also a bit worried though because if he did do them I'd once again look stupid... don't worry, I didn't look stupid :) (but thanks for your concern! :p).

At the beginning he was doing pretty good. Not approaching by himself like yesterday, but if I told him to do something he did. He talked to a girl and her grandma :P. Not really hard but a bit weird. I think that was the first hard one I gave him that he did. The next was really good though!

We were walking and I was thinking "What can I give this guy to show him not everything is a piece of cake?". And then I saw it!

At the end of the "Hall" was this massive group of Business guys in their suits and in the middle of them, 2 good looking woman. So I told him "Alright... the big mob of business guys!". :P I was sure I had him.

But no! He does that! Turned and looked at me but I told him he had to...and he did.

I "Maybe he is the totally changed...better then me! :(".

Don't worry. It didn't last for long. As he did more it got harder and harder thought der. I told him to talk to this big burly guy and he didn't (even though I had to talk to a burly guy! One that he had talked to the day before!). There was a lady looking at ice cream flavors that I told him to approach but he didn't. Just looking! Not talking to the sales lady like the girl he told me to approach!

Their were probably a few more but I'm not positive like for those...

I'll leave them out so I can avoid getting told off.

Anyway, he never even did all his 20. I think he made it to 15....17? I'm pretty sure it was 15... but I'd rather be over then yelled at :P. The time it took was also over 2 hours.

I'm not writing this to be mean or show off that I'm better.... but after getting called a pussy all day and hearing how I'm not as good... NOT EVEN EQUAL TO HIM, I just had to point all this out.

I'm still proud of him for his great progress though!!! :D

Man.... he's gonna hate this... I'm gonna get phone calls about this shit :P.

Oh well.

Love ya T! :D (Tell me what you want to be called instead of that by the way... I'm liking T-Diddles if you want my opinion :P).


Report #14 - I Got Served!

Well well well, what a day!

So far on this little adventure me and T have both had our little attitudes.


I do some stuff but I also procrastinate. No matter what happens I stay positive though and try and keep the right attitudes. When we go out I do most of the approaches and struggle to get T to do stuff and stay positive.


Really dedicated to learning everything. I'd say probably more eager to go out then me. I'll go out by myself and with him but I'm not up for it everyday. He's up for it whenever he can but only if I'm there. He's a bit negative and says stuff like "I have no balls" and "I can't do it". His AA is more intense then mine and he doesn't have as much experience.

But forget all that. It's all in the past after today. :)

This was our first day doing it after our intense day with our Hypnotist friend. That guy had taught me some cool things I could do to get rid of AA. This included self-hypnosis, a grounding exercise and a product he recommended. On top of all that I started doing this exercise I had seen from "Ultimate Inner Game" where you walk this imaginary confidence line.

Every night since then I've walked the confidence line, done the grounding exercise, got into bed, listened to the product and then self-hypnotized myself and installed some things I wanted in my head (If you want more info on this stuff you can e-mail me). After 2 days of this I no longer feel the effects of AA. No more stomach pain, sweating, blushing... no physical affects what so ever. I am sad to say I still make excuses why not to approach, but the ones I do, no real nervousness or anything.

Today I was excited because we could use the new blue-tooth headphones to listen to each other. We both agreed we should do 20 sets the night before.

So we met this morning. First thing we wanted to do was get the head-phones working. Pull them out... fiddle around.... THEY DON'T WORK! I had also forgot the adapter so I couldn't fix them.

So that was a let down.

After that T wasn't keen on going first (neither was I but I decided it wasn't a big deal and I'd do it). We walked around and he'd point out sets. Sometimes they'd be right in-front of us, walking towards us, not people I was attracted to... so I wouldn't do it. I was tired too cause I hadn't eaten all day so that played in.

I had gotten to 5 and I realized how much farther I had till 20. I wanted to eat so we went to a Tim Hortons and got something.

When we got back I tried to get him to agree to make the number 10 but he would not budge on it at all. I explained that doing 20 is a lot harder then 10 and it would take too long. He told it wasn't true and that I still had to do 20. Finally I said "If you think it's so easy you can do 20, but I'm doing 10". He was happy to agree to that. I was at about 7 approaches so I quickly finished and it was his turn. I was thinking he'd start making excuses and eventually would agree with me that 20 was too hard.


He made less excuses then me. When he reached 10 instead of getting worse he just got better!

I was supposed to be pointing to sets, he obviously didn't care cause he started going up all by himself! I'd be talking and he'd say "Hold on..." and would approach some couple I would have never done. This guy was on fire! Talking to people I probably wouldn't have, going to people who were in situations I probably wouldn't have. I was impressed! His approaches were even lasting as long or longer then mine.

By the end I really regretted not having done 20, and not taking all the opportunities offered.

I can tell I'm going to have to really push what I'm comfortable with to keep up with him.

Tomorrow we go again and I'm doing my 20. I'm doing each one, staying in for as long as I can, set after set, rapid-fire.

In 2 days, we've upped it quite a bit.... I don't even want to think about what I'll be writing about at the end of the summer... :S

Oh Dangity the Game is ON! :D

Peace out!

Report #13 - Things Looking UP

I don't know if you've figured it out... but we have been pathetic when going out. Don't open people... just walk around and talk about opening.

It's sad how horrible it is!

Today though, something amazing happened that changed that all.

But I'll start from the beginning and get to that.

So as I said... everyday we go out... pathetic. We went out a day that I didn't write about it was so sad. T had this bet so I'm pushing him to go, and he's saying he can't till I go. We basically walked around saying "You go first!" "No, it's your turn!" "No! I have no balls, you have to go!". Maybe this is just an excuse... but having to go first every time just annoys me and makes me not want to go.

So ya... pathetic progress so far.

So today was going to be different. I was gonna get a good night sleep, eat a good breakfast, go to the mall, have a energy drink, and approach my ass off no matter what.

But things never go to plan.

I get there early and sit around, T gets there and wants to eat, then we need a drink, then we need to finish the drink.... momentum we should have had at the start was killed. After all this sitting and shit... you lose your focus.

Next T had a good idea for recording approaches. His mp3 can record, and when it does you hear it in the headphones. We wanted wireless headphones so one person could go with the recorder and the other could wear headphones and hear.

We were pretty excited about this and decided to go for it right away. So we went to Future shop and bought a pair. Charged them.... sat around for an hour.... THEY DON'T WORK!!!! But I'm stuck on the idea so we go back and get a different pair.... tried to set them up for another 20 mins.... THEY ALSO DON'T WORK!

I didn't want to go back AGAIN so I said "Let's just charge them 100% and if they still don't work we can take them back". So we excepted the plan had to wait and put it off.

So we go back to the eaton center and start walking around again... not approaching (I know, were pathetic =( ).

When I walk around I see a lot of guys and for some reason I just think "PUA?". I never ask though cause it seems weird. As were walking though we see this kid our age, face on, talking to these 2 cute girls. I could tell they didn't know him... I was sure he was running game.

We just kept walking though and went down a floor.... then I thought "What am I doing.... I'm sure that kids a PUA.... he seems good.... better then me.... WHY AM I WALKING AWAY!?!?!"

I got T to come back up with me and we sat down where we could see him and waited for him to finish talking. When he was done I chased him down and asked him "Hey, have you read the Game?"

Hahahaha. He gives this big smile and shakes my hand. :P

He is Ts age and got into it because he is into hypnotherapy. He was taking a course nearby and decided to come sarge.

I asked how many times he's been out....he said twice!!! This guy seemed way better then that though. He had tons of great tips and just hearing how he looked at stuff like approaching and stuff was cool. His beliefs and mindset were great. He said he'd do some stuff with us, I was pumped! :D

He said there was two ways to get rid of AA. Push yourself past it yourself... or be pushed! We walked around for a bit but couldn't get the balls to do it. So he said "Well you can't do it... so were gonna have to push you". We were told which set to talk to and we HAD to open them... no bullshit.

I can ignore T telling me to do it... but this guy I felt like trying to impress him. If he said approach I did it. After 5 sets or so we were having fun and could approach by ourselves!!! :D

So props to this guy for breaking us out of this horrible shell of not doing stuff.

After he left me and T tried the same thing. I told T to approach and he just walked by the set but I didn't let it go. I said "You idiot! Now they've seen you and you've waited too long. Now your gonna look stupid when you go back to approach them like I told you to!".


But props for him cause he did... he went back and talked to them! :D

Great day I would say. Way more approaches, finally getting past this AA and seeing how stupid it really is.

Next time we go out were just gonna have to keep pushing it and keep up this stuff.

I think we can handle it :).


Report #12 - Money Time

Repetition is key, doing it every day, even if only a little is gonna make it go much faster.

So today... or yesterday (July 1st) and the day before we went out.

On the 30th T had to work and we wanted to have a lot of time, so we planned to go at 11 to work it till 2:45 or so.

11am.... That isn't late right? So I stay up till 2am doing stuff before going to bed. Of course the next day I'm EXHAUSTED! I ended up being late and getting there at 11:30 :S.

Maybe this is just my AA... but I felt too tired to approach. I just did not feel motivated to approach ANYBODY. We did our warm-up, walked around... and just didn't do any proper sets. It was terrible. We ended up both agreeing we were too tired and left to go home.

Today.... yesterday. Realizing how important sleep is I decided to go to bed earlier.... meaning about 1 am and the meet-up was pushed till 11:45 am.... basically a bit later then I managed to get there the day before.

I got up today (once again after sleeping in) realizing it was 10:30! I had no time to shower or anything. I just ate and left. I felt a bit more energized but still fairly low for energy... and I was late again (only by 15 minutes though! Woot! :D).

The goal was to make-up for the day before. Unfortunately though it was still REALLY hard. I think I need to really sleep in, energy is what pushes me to approach and makes me fun. Warm-up again, lots of people in 10 minutes.

While walking around we noticed a HUGE group of super hot girls. I really wanted to approach but these were like mixed, 6 person sets and I just couldn't push myself to do it.

Later on (After much walking around without a single approach) we agreed to bring money into the equation. What's more motivating then losing your cash?

We each agreed to give 5 dollars for each NON-SEATED set that lasted for over 1 minute the other did. Even this though couldn't push me past my limits.... for a while.

We were walking when I saw 3 girls, from the tour group, wearing laniards, coming off the escalator. T was like "Do them!" and I thought "I wanted to approach these people before... might as well". So I went up and said:

"What's with everyone I see with these laniards?"

They were a bit confused but I asked again. Turns out they were on an exchange with their university in Montreal!

I got so excited! :D

I speak french and we started talking about Quebec and me wanting to go to McGill cause it's a party university. What I had thought was a 2 set was actually like a 5 person mixed set. They were all super friendly and cool though. I thought it had been a minute so I told them to enjoy their stay and left.


I was pretty pissed but just decided I'd have to do another.

I had no clue what to open with... then it hit me, THE TRUTH!

We kept walking and I saw another 3 really cute girls outside Holister. T was like "No, not them, not them!" and was pushing me but I just ignored him, pushed past and went up with:

6Teen: "Hey guys, you guys are gonna help me make $5!"

They all lit up and said

Girl 1: "All right, what do we do?!"

6Teen: "Well I'm in a bet, I have to talk to a group of strangers for 1 minute and if I do I make $5."

Girl1: " where you from?"

6Teen: "Me? China obviously, can't you tell by my oriental look?" *Girls Laughed* "How about you guys?"

Girl 2: "Were from Quebec"

I got excited once again! Another group of exchange students (I swear, all of them were fucking super hot). I had experience from the last one so I started talking in french and they loved that. They taught me swear words and stuff. We were just vibing and I could tell they were loving it. They were giving IOIs and stuff. I felt really good.

I knew I had been there for a while so I said

6Teen — "Nice talking to you, I should go find my friend and get my money!"

Girls - "What? You're leaving? Noooo!"

6Teen-"I know eh! It sucks! I hate to go".

I left stretching my arms out to them as if I was being dragged away, I left and it was over.

So Mr. T had to pay up making me $5 today! :D

I really like making money a part of it. T has decided getting over AA is paramount at the moment. His plan is to take out $100 tomorrow and give me it all. He then will get $5 for every approach he does that lasts over 1 minute. He has 2 days to win his money back before its mine.

Should be very eventful tomorrow. He doesn't have to work so we can sleep in and stay later. :)

Till then!
