Report #8 - Sunday: Partying But Not Clubing

Well all that is left to talk about is Monday and Sunday.

Sunday was pretty chill. Family left me and I had the house to myself.

I went at 3 to my party. Hung out, talked to people, made everyone love me :). All that fun stuff. Just being the life of the party.

I had invited my friend to go clubing that night. He called that morning and said he'd come to the party, stay for a bit then we'd go to the club.

So I was at the party, waiting for dinner along with waiting for my friend. It's getting pretty late so I decide to head out.

When I went to leave everyone said "Noo, nooo, noo! Just wait 10 mins and were all going outside too."

I didn't think it would take long so I waited. Turns out the rule is "Everyone needs to pee before leaving.". So it was more like 10 minutes plus the time it takes for 17 people to go to the washroom.

We finally left though. I see my other friend and I ask if he'd seen my buddy who was gonna come to the club. He says "Oh ya, he told me to tell you he's not coming."

I just thought "FUCK!" I was going to be late and could have been on time if I hadn't waited for my friend.

So I rush home, had to shower and change, get all my shit together and head out at around 9:40 for the club. I had reserved a spot on the guest list. This meant I could be in a VIP line. But this closed at 10:30 so I had to be quick.

I got there probably at 10:25. Ask about the guest list and the guy says "It closed at 10:00, stand in line with everyone else.".

What a Jerk-Off.

So I thought whatever, just a quick wait in the line. At first it moved pretty good... then got slower and slower. We started moving about 1 step every 20 minutes. I got in line at 10:30, 12:35 I was still in line, close but still in line. I probably would have gotten in at 1, then I'd have till 3 till hang out with the people who were left. Worth 25$? I didn't think so.

I just though fuck it. I'm going home.

So I went to my empty house. Ate ice cream and watched TV all night.

More fun then standing in line.