Report #6 - May 10th - Hello Wings, Goodbye Approach Anxiety!

Woot Woot, my Approach Anxiety is nearly gone for good.

Alright here's what happened :).

So today I met up with my bud from Toronto and his cousin. Had no idea what to expect, who they were, all I knew was 3:30 in front of the apple store.

So we meet up and start walking around. I learn his cousin has been doing it for 2 YEARS!!! :O. Jackpot! A AFC like me who I can compete with and work with to try and learn this stuff, and his cousin who knows the game and has his stuff down. I won't go over everything we did but the basics.

#1 - Just walked round, got into the groove, asked a few people for the time. Seeing his cousin do it without second thought made me see how easy and painless approaching is. We just went up one by one and did approaches with random openers.

Openers I used: "Do you know what time it is?", "Do I look gay?" and "Where can I buy some ugly ass clothing?"

#2 - This got kinda boring so we decided going 2 people in at the same time. We remembered the "Who lies more, girls or guys" opener and made it "Who lies more, me or him?". We did a few of these. If girls said him I would joke by saying "Dude! She just called you a liar! You gonna take that?" or if they said me i'd be like "What?! What you saying?! Explain this.". That went pretty well. I was opening quicker and quicker, easier and easier but my friend was having a harder time. Eventually he said he wanted a break and so me and his cousin started doing the approaches.

That's sorta the 2 things we did. By the end I didn't care, I was just having fun going up to these girl and talking. I was having a blast with my friends cousin just doing what we wanted. My friend on the other hand just sorta stayed back and didn't want to approach too much. He hadn't gotten rid of his AA and was still making excuses. It was kinda cool though, hearing him make an excuse EXACTLY like what I would have used to say and just thinking "WHO CARES?!?!".

Anyway, anyone still with there AA... JUST DO IT! Come to the dark side, we have cookies. Once you can just let go, not care, and have fun it's a blast. I can't wait to do it again. Next stop, PHONE NUMBERS :)!!
