Report #9 - Day Game, Things Looking Up

So after a long night I got to sleep in as late as I wanted.

Living alone rocks!

I got up and ate crap, watched TV. Just relaxing before another day out and about.

I was supposed to meet up with TNA at 3 at the Eaton Center.

I went and stood where we were supposed to meet till 3:45 cause that's what we did the other day. They never show up.

So I thought, whatever, fuck that, I can rock this by myself. I started walking around and opening sets.

I had probably opened 3 when I saw guess who. TNA sitting on a bench. We were happy to see each other :).

To start off we did this thing we've been wanting to try. As many approaches as possible in 10 minutes.

This is a great exercise! When you first walk in your not in the right mindset. Doing this makes you try and approach as many people as possible as fast as you can.

This got us all pumped and in the right mindset.

We started doing out approaches. I won't go over all of them but I'll say how they went overall.

Were finding the interactions are becoming better quality and longer. Were actually talking instead of "Hey! What's your oppinion? Thanks, bye!".

One set we opened, we went to leave and they jumped at us and said "What was the answer?!?!". We'd hit a hook point obviously. We had them laughing and loving us.

As we do this more and more it just gets better and better. I never go out and think "Wow, I'm not as good as last time". You can only get better.

Hopefully next time we can rock it even harder.

Report #8 - Sunday: Partying But Not Clubing

Well all that is left to talk about is Monday and Sunday.

Sunday was pretty chill. Family left me and I had the house to myself.

I went at 3 to my party. Hung out, talked to people, made everyone love me :). All that fun stuff. Just being the life of the party.

I had invited my friend to go clubing that night. He called that morning and said he'd come to the party, stay for a bit then we'd go to the club.

So I was at the party, waiting for dinner along with waiting for my friend. It's getting pretty late so I decide to head out.

When I went to leave everyone said "Noo, nooo, noo! Just wait 10 mins and were all going outside too."

I didn't think it would take long so I waited. Turns out the rule is "Everyone needs to pee before leaving.". So it was more like 10 minutes plus the time it takes for 17 people to go to the washroom.

We finally left though. I see my other friend and I ask if he'd seen my buddy who was gonna come to the club. He says "Oh ya, he told me to tell you he's not coming."

I just thought "FUCK!" I was going to be late and could have been on time if I hadn't waited for my friend.

So I rush home, had to shower and change, get all my shit together and head out at around 9:40 for the club. I had reserved a spot on the guest list. This meant I could be in a VIP line. But this closed at 10:30 so I had to be quick.

I got there probably at 10:25. Ask about the guest list and the guy says "It closed at 10:00, stand in line with everyone else.".

What a Jerk-Off.

So I thought whatever, just a quick wait in the line. At first it moved pretty good... then got slower and slower. We started moving about 1 step every 20 minutes. I got in line at 10:30, 12:35 I was still in line, close but still in line. I probably would have gotten in at 1, then I'd have till 3 till hang out with the people who were left. Worth 25$? I didn't think so.

I just though fuck it. I'm going home.

So I went to my empty house. Ate ice cream and watched TV all night.

More fun then standing in line.

Report #7 - Everyone Has Their Off Days

Day 1, done.

Well today started out exciting. Last time was so good I was pumped and ready to rock.

Unfortunately today wasn't as amazing.

We went to the Eaton Center, tried a few approaches but they were short and didn't last long.

Next went to Kensington. Even less approaches and we were getting tired after walking so far.

Next we wanted to see a movie, said hi to strangers on the way, T was getting down his AA.

Found no movies on early enough to want and go see. Left.

Saw the Eaton Center again and decided to check it out, it was closing just as we walked in though.

We did get 2 or 3 approaches but they were once again pretty lame.

All in all a pretty slow day. We walked around A LOT, realize that every time we went somewhere new it was a 45 minute walk in between.

I just wasn't in the mood. It wasn't really AA... I just saw a set and didn't care. I just didn't want to open.

This is a bit like AA I guess but there was no excuses just "I'm tired, who cares".

It was like 4 hours with maybe 20 approaches over the course of it.

I guess everyone has their off days but it's kinda sad.

Oh well,

Tomorrow will be better! :D

Long Weekend, So Much To Do!

Oh man!

3 Day weekend, parents leaving for sunday - monday, all ages club events going on. How much busier can you get!

So here's the plan:

Saturday Afternoon: Meeting up with T-N-A (That could mean my buddies from Toronto or Tits and Ass... both work :D).

Sunday Afternoon: Going out alone and doing approaches

Sunday Night: All ages club even in Toronto 20 minutes from my house. Hopefully TNA will be able to come and join me. I can stay and Sarge all night because my famillies gone and won't be back till monday night! :)!

Monday: If TNA go clubbing with me then we can get up and go sarging early in the morning till 3! Then I can stay out longer and sarge some more. :P

Basically the plan is to go out 4 times to sarge in 3 days... intense? Should be good and plan to learn a lot!

My goals are to get phone numbers, stop ejecting (plough through till the Hook Point). If I get a few numbers I will try to arrange a date for monday night!

Back to my place, who knows what will happen :P.

I'll post back after each time I go out and say what went down. I'm gonna accomplish all these goals and have a major mindset change this weekend... I can feel it.

Till then!


Report #6 - May 10th - Hello Wings, Goodbye Approach Anxiety!

Woot Woot, my Approach Anxiety is nearly gone for good.

Alright here's what happened :).

So today I met up with my bud from Toronto and his cousin. Had no idea what to expect, who they were, all I knew was 3:30 in front of the apple store.

So we meet up and start walking around. I learn his cousin has been doing it for 2 YEARS!!! :O. Jackpot! A AFC like me who I can compete with and work with to try and learn this stuff, and his cousin who knows the game and has his stuff down. I won't go over everything we did but the basics.

#1 - Just walked round, got into the groove, asked a few people for the time. Seeing his cousin do it without second thought made me see how easy and painless approaching is. We just went up one by one and did approaches with random openers.

Openers I used: "Do you know what time it is?", "Do I look gay?" and "Where can I buy some ugly ass clothing?"

#2 - This got kinda boring so we decided going 2 people in at the same time. We remembered the "Who lies more, girls or guys" opener and made it "Who lies more, me or him?". We did a few of these. If girls said him I would joke by saying "Dude! She just called you a liar! You gonna take that?" or if they said me i'd be like "What?! What you saying?! Explain this.". That went pretty well. I was opening quicker and quicker, easier and easier but my friend was having a harder time. Eventually he said he wanted a break and so me and his cousin started doing the approaches.

That's sorta the 2 things we did. By the end I didn't care, I was just having fun going up to these girl and talking. I was having a blast with my friends cousin just doing what we wanted. My friend on the other hand just sorta stayed back and didn't want to approach too much. He hadn't gotten rid of his AA and was still making excuses. It was kinda cool though, hearing him make an excuse EXACTLY like what I would have used to say and just thinking "WHO CARES?!?!".

Anyway, anyone still with there AA... JUST DO IT! Come to the dark side, we have cookies. Once you can just let go, not care, and have fun it's a blast. I can't wait to do it again. Next stop, PHONE NUMBERS :)!!


Last Nights Going Ons

Heeeyyyy Guyyss!

Alright so last night I went to my party. Just as I had thought, most people, not much to write home about. There was only 1 girl who was about a HB 8 and her her friend who was maybe a 7. The HB 8 was pretty cute but I didn't know her and she was kinda sticking with her friend not talking to anyone. I knew I should go over and say Hi but... I didn't :(.

Anyway so in the beginning it was pretty relax, just talking to people and whatever. Being the entertainer of the kids I knew.

Later on the music was playing so me and my friend decided to dance.

Let me fill you in on this friend. He's a bit of a natural. He's funny, outgoing, VERY TOUCHY to everyone. He lost his virginity when he was like 13... ya.

So me and him are really close. Were really touchy with each other, we'll grind together and dance erotically for each other at dances and shit. It's pretty funny :P.

So ya, we started dancing, grindin, fake blow jobs :P. Some people may think this is gay but everyone at the party was laughing their asses off. The cute girl and her friend were watching us, laughing, loving it and got up and started dancing too.

I was trying to do figure 8s with my ass and they told me I was too stiff. I asked her how to loosen up. I don't remember what she said. I then told her I wanted to be a stripper when I grew up and she said she'd come watch and I said "Fuck that, you can be my manager and we can travel the world doing shows and she was like "Definitely!"

At this point we both should have grabbed one and started grinding. This was mistake number 2. Although what we did was also pretty good... we stole their seats :P. They danced a bit but then walked off.

So me and my buddy got up and started doing our thing again. They came back and sat down again. I wasn't paying attention to them, I was just having fun with my friend.

I started getting really tired so I sat on the floor in front of the girls. The cute one started asking me to do this weird move where you swing your hair and arch your back. I told her I didn't know how to do it without an example. She just kept trying to get me to do it. I insisted on an example. Whenever she told me no I told her to loosen up (cause she kept telling me I was to stiff and needed to loosen up).

She eventually gave up and tried getting my friend to do it. She told him she would pay him. At the mention on money I said "OH FOR MONEY?! How much?".

She offered me a penny and I said "That's all? I'm not a cheap piece of meat!" she laughed so I added on "Ugh, poor needed girls, what a turnoff. I only date girls with money." This is when she started qualifying by saying "I'm not poor, I have 300$ at home but my mom wouldn't let me bring it." I rewarded by saying "Oooo well in that case maybe I'll give you a second chance."

I can't really remember what else happened. She kept sending IOIs. I totally should have moved her and continued one on one. Mistake #3!

Soon she started being a bitch to me though and really nice to my other friend. She also started talking to random quiet people and flirting with them. I don't think she liked them but was trying to get me and my friend jealous.

The whole night though she was trying to get me to do the hair swish, back moving type move. And me and my friend just insisted on her doing it first.

The party was starting to die down so I decided to head to the beach and see if the thing was going on. I made a point of mentioning it to my friend in front of the cute girl. I said:

"Hey, let's go check out the beach party, everyones going to be crazy drunk and there will be girls there willing to dance for us."

The cute girl said "Oh, beach party, I'd love to go to something like that."

I didn't invite her. This is a bit of a mistake except at the beach we didn't see anyone which would have lowered our value to her if she came and nobody was there.

Anyway, when she found out we were going she started telling me and my friend she never got to see us dance. We told her we could have a dance party sometime, me her friend and me and my friend. She said "No not him, just us three" pointing to me. I just thought "WHAT?!". She still wanted us to do this thing before leaving though. and we said we both would if she did it first.

After lots of convincing she did it, in the house in front of everyone. We were like "NICE!" and booked it out of there. :P

We started walking to the beach and I asked my friend why she was being a bitch to me at the end and he said some good advice. He said "When she was being nice you didn't respond or do anything so she decided to change tactics and play hard to get."

I think this makes sense.

Anyway the rest of the night we hung out and it was fun.

I learned a lot yesterday. I always learn a lot when I got out. I'm going to make a section at the end of all these saying what I learned... so here it is.

What I Learned

- Don't worry about picking up girls. Just have fun and they will come! I could have walked in and started chatting those girls up and it probably would have worked if I had good stories and stuff. Instead I just showed I was SUPER confident by dancing so crazy with my friend. I had everyone laughing. They knew me and my pal were where the party was at.

- Don't hesitate, escalate! That's going to be like my new catch phrase. I had chances to escalate and could have made out with that girl. But I didn't. I was worried about all my friends thinking I was weird. I didn't want my friend who's party it was to see me making out with her friend I had just met. I was putting the whole room against me in my mind.

In reality, putting myself in the shoes of other people there, if I saw myself make out with that girl, I'd be like "PIMP! Look at 6Teen getting the girls! Go man go!".

Not escalating also made her a bitch to me near the end, I could have gotten her number.

That's about it. When I started writting this I didn't realize the potential there was there. Now I'm kicking myself at what I missed out on!!!!!!


Well next time... for sure!

Peace guys!

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My Unfortunate Update

Well I've had some changes. Right now it's been raining all day... the beach party is going to be gross, not many people planning to show.

This really sucks cause I was hoping to meet people from around the city and get in on new friend groups. Guess not!

Before I also said I was going to hookup with this girl there, I'd been going over what to do it my head all yesterday. This is called over thinking, AND IT'S A WASTE OF TIME! I'm the kind of person that over analyzes situations but now I see what a waste of time it is. I got myself all worked up and now it's not happening.

Don't over analyze, live in the moment if I can say that.

On the brightside, since I'm not seeing her tonight we've both agreed were going to hang out sometime soon. Hookup to date... seems like a not bad trade so should be alright.

Hopefully the first party will have some half decent girls I can meet. Then I can at least still get my practice.

Anyway, learn from my mistakes guys!
Don't think too much!


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My Weekend Seduction Plans

Hey Guys!

So normally on the weekend I would hit the mall, do low risk approaches, and blah. This weekend it's totally different. Tommorrow I'm getting a shot at night game :).

Usually I'm not a party person, meaning I don't get invites and my friends don't have them. However after some flirting in class, I've been invited to a party. Same time I also get invited to a party (ON THE BEACH!!) for a girl I met through a friend last year. Everyone's turning 16, lots of parties.

Tomorrow are both the parties so it's gonna be intense.

Right now as I write, two of my friends are sleeping over. Having them is making me feel like a cool social guy, good for right before tomorrow.

Tommorrow morning the plan is to go get a haircut, wash my clothes and pick out a cool outfit. That's basically the morning, I'm making this all a big deal.

The first party is going to be more a social thing, less drinking, probably not many HBs. I'm just going to use this time to flirt hardcore with EVERYONE! I want them all around me before I leave. This will get me in the social attitude and give me confidence for the next party.

I'm staying there a bit before moving to the beach party :)! One of the girls there I've been talking to on MSN for a bit and she definitely likes me. She qualifies, laughs hard at all my jokes (even the sexual ones). She even put a kiss when I said good bye :).

She's about a HB 8, really cute, she's gonna be at the second party. My goal for the night is to move her somewhere private and get a make-out.

This is a big deal... I've never made a move. :S
My last one-itis came over and obviously liked me. I was too much of a pussy at the time to go for a kiss, MISSED OPPORTUNITY! Now we don't even really talk... fuck!

I'm gonna make up for it tommorow though. I'm getting the make-out with this girl and I'm gonna get some e-mails so I can stay in touch with the cool kids I meet.

So guys, my goals:
Get 3 e-mails, phone-numbers

I'll post the field report tommorow, if I didn't do it (won't happen) and don't have a good reason, please do me a favor and leave nasty comments telling me to grow some balls!

Aaaaaight! Let's do it! :D

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