Report #5 - April 27 - Not Losing Focus and My Mind Shift

Hey guys!

So yesterday I told myself I needed to go out again. Unfortunately because of the stuff from the day before combined with the forecast being for rain AND a TTC (Public Transit) strike I had everything I needed to procrastinate.

Yep, I started thinking "It's gonna rain, the subways are down, I don't want to walk in the rain to a mall that's going to be empty". Sadly this bullshit worked and I sat on my ass all day. Instead of going out and improving I wasted a day doing... nothing :(.

DON'T LET YOURSELF PROCRASTINATE!!!!...unless this is something you don't really care that much about (But I hope that's not the case).

But today I decided to get off my ass and do something. I felt pretty shitty still though, friday I let myself down, saturday I just put it off all together. I felt I was going into a downward spiral.

So to get my mood up I tried listening to my Collection of Confidence meditation. This is when I realized how big a genius Hypnotica is! It definitely worked, I was feeling good, sorta like last sunday.

I got dressed up and hit the mall.

When I got there I felt really good. I got 3 approaches in like 5 minutes :). I got 2 more before I saw these three guys.

I'm pretty sure they were PUAs. They were well groomed, joking around having fun together, I saw them talking to random women then watching the girls leaving with big smiles.

I just kept walking, got on the escalator thinking "Wow, one :)". Then I thought "WHY AM I JUST GOING! I've never seen pickup done live before, I'm too young for bootcamps, I may not get the opportunity for another while!"

So when I got off I went back up and started looking for them, they weren't there, I probably spent 30 minutes looking for them. After that I realized "I have been looking for 30 minutes, I came to meet people, not hunt them down, I need to do my approaches again".

Of course after running around, only looking for well dressed guys, it was hard to get into the girl finding mindset. I lost my focus and started thinking about more bullshit. After walking around for so long I was tired. I decided to settle for 10 and call it a day.

I got my 5 more approaches and went home.

What I learned today
Don't lose focus!!!!! Once your in the mindset, GO WITH IT! Get your approaches, do what you came to do. The moment you start thinking of other stuff it become 10x more difficult to get the job done.

On the brightside
My approach fears are definetly getting weaker. Approaching is becoming less and less something I dread and more something I want to do. Before I would think.

"I'm going to the mall. At the mall I'm forcing myself to do X number of approaches. It's going to be hard but after I can go home and not have to talk to anyone."

I wouldn't approach unless I was in the mall, and I wouldn't approach if I'd already reached my goal for approaches.

Today though I was done, happy with the number I got, but on the street I saw a cute girl and thought "Hey, I should go talk to her, she's cute and I can get BONUS approaches!"

Now before you applaud... I didn't approach. But it's always nice to know your way of thinking is changing :).

That's all for now!
Have a great week guys! :)

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    sounds like a sick weekend..haha.anyways ur never on msn and i just wanted to let u know that after my may 10th exam we can go sarge with my bro anytime...sound good if anything just let me kno.