Report #1 - April 18 - Where I'm At Starting

I will consider where I am now the start point. Sure I'm not as horrible as I was when I was 15 but I don't want to bother going back and thinking about the changes I made.

Alright! Well I think the best place to start for anyone is with Inner Game.

You can know the lines, have the routines, but if you go out with no belief in yourself... girls notice it and your done. So before I start trying to go get number I'm trying to make sure I've got my confidence DOWN.

During my year of Keyboard jockeying I learned about Hypnotica and "The Collection of Confidence".

It's gotten some pretty awesome reviews so I thought I'd try it out. I did it last summer... well tried.

I got to Step #2. For that step you go out, notice a girl you want to talk to BUT you don't approach (Thank god I was thinking back then). All you do is notice what is going through your head when you tell yourself you want to approach. What negative thoughts are you thinking, then you write them down.

Next you think of something good that might happen. Like "She'll think I'm weird... but she might think I'm funny". Do that for a few people, great.

Next you think of the negative thing, then the slightly positive, then something TOTALLY unlikely but that could happen. Ex. "She'll think I'm weird... but she might think I'm funny... or maybe she'll look at me, say "Your Fucking Sexy!", rip off all her clothes, jump on me and start kissing me passionately.

That's Step 2. I kinda half did it then moved on. Since I didn't do it properly (or cause it wasn't enough to help me) when I had to approach in Step 3 I COULD NOT get myself to do it.

That was then, this is now.

Now I've re-done the steps and I'm on #3. I've gone out 4 times to do approaches. The first time I could only get myself to do 2, next time 3, next time 4... today, 7!

I am noticing improvement. Instead of 4 hours to get 2, I can get 7 in 2.

Sure it's not stellar, but it's progress. 4 Days of going out though hasn't just increased the number of girls I talk to when I go out... I also notice changes at school. I'm getting more confident, people are finding me funnier, cooler.

4 Days... hardly any approaches... and I can see a difference.

Anyone who thinks going out won't get results is mistaken! Approach 10 people and you'll feel better. Just ask for the time, it's super easy!!!

Tomorrow, no school, I'm hitting the malls. It's a Saturday so it should be packed.

My Goal: 20 Approaches

I'll tell ya how it goes! :)

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