Report #2 - April 19


So today I hit the mall trying to get in some more approaches.
Approaching is definitely getting more natural. Each day I get into it quicker, go from on to the next quicker and it's a much smoother flow.

I approached 10 sets today. Up 3 from my 7 yesterday.

The last ones are THE HARDEST. I don't know if this is just me but it takes forever to find the last set. I probably walked around 30 mins to find my last approach.

The problem with the mall is also that it's mainly moving targets. There are some benches where cute girls will sit but it's not enough. I find a lot of the time I'll be walking and see tons of nice girls but all walking towards me.

Anyone who has tried to open someone like this knows it's the hardest scenario. It's gotten in my head that approaching people moving towards me is a bad idea... so I don't do it.

My 10 today took... 2-3 hours maybe. Too long for me to want to spend.

Tomorrow I say just fuck it. I'm gonna blast some energetic music on the way there, get a few Red Bulls and get super pumped!

Then I'm just gonna do try at 20 approaches in 30 minutes. Crazy approaches. My goal is to get a drink in the face for all 2o. I just don't care. I'm gonna try high fiving all the girls that pass by, going up to people sitting down and asking them to tell me to "FUCK OFF!".

These baby steps are fine but I want to just say screw it and move on. I'll accept all the weird looks and rejections, who cares, I'll never see them again.

I'll tell ya how it goes :P
Peace!!! :D

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