A Little Bit About Me

Wow, finally my own blog.

So who am I and what is this all.

Well my name is...well we'll leave that out, call me 6Teen. I first found out about "The Game" when I was 15.

Back then I had horrible One-itis. I thought girls wanted the nice polite guy who did what they wanted and went out of their way to make them happy. Hahaha, boy was I wrong.

Well maybe I should thank my terrible One-itis, it's how I found out about the Seduction Community. I stumbled upon all this while looking for signs that a girl liked you. I was analyzing everything the girl I liked did hoping to see signs she liked me.

While doing some searching I came across Fast Seduction.com. That's where it all started. I became obsessed with reading material. I became a keyboard jockey.

I did learn a lot. Some of the stuff like grooming and body language I started fixing... everything else (like ACTUALLY GOING AND APPROACHING GIRLS) I left alone. I didn't want to do anything till I had all the confidence and info I needed to go out and be successful.

I hated the idea of going out, getting rejected and continue doing that till I started learning the skills. So I never went out, never used the skills, just stayed at home with ebooks and google.

The only person I used this stuff on was my best friend...oh ya... and the girl I had One-itis with.

It obviously never worked, she started thinking I was weird and stopped wanting to hang out. My only other good friend liked her too and to avoid losing her took her side and decided I was a weirdo too.

That was last year, now I'm 16.
I'm sick of this computer, sick of not getting invited to parties, not getting girls and not living the life I want to.

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  1. Preeths Says:

    Dude, I like way you write up your posts. The writing style is shit cool and humorously witty. Kudos.
    -- Preetham

  2. Preeths Says:

    Am I linking your blog from my blog.