Report #5 - April 27 - Not Losing Focus and My Mind Shift

Hey guys!

So yesterday I told myself I needed to go out again. Unfortunately because of the stuff from the day before combined with the forecast being for rain AND a TTC (Public Transit) strike I had everything I needed to procrastinate.

Yep, I started thinking "It's gonna rain, the subways are down, I don't want to walk in the rain to a mall that's going to be empty". Sadly this bullshit worked and I sat on my ass all day. Instead of going out and improving I wasted a day doing... nothing :(.

DON'T LET YOURSELF PROCRASTINATE!!!!...unless this is something you don't really care that much about (But I hope that's not the case).

But today I decided to get off my ass and do something. I felt pretty shitty still though, friday I let myself down, saturday I just put it off all together. I felt I was going into a downward spiral.

So to get my mood up I tried listening to my Collection of Confidence meditation. This is when I realized how big a genius Hypnotica is! It definitely worked, I was feeling good, sorta like last sunday.

I got dressed up and hit the mall.

When I got there I felt really good. I got 3 approaches in like 5 minutes :). I got 2 more before I saw these three guys.

I'm pretty sure they were PUAs. They were well groomed, joking around having fun together, I saw them talking to random women then watching the girls leaving with big smiles.

I just kept walking, got on the escalator thinking "Wow, one :)". Then I thought "WHY AM I JUST GOING! I've never seen pickup done live before, I'm too young for bootcamps, I may not get the opportunity for another while!"

So when I got off I went back up and started looking for them, they weren't there, I probably spent 30 minutes looking for them. After that I realized "I have been looking for 30 minutes, I came to meet people, not hunt them down, I need to do my approaches again".

Of course after running around, only looking for well dressed guys, it was hard to get into the girl finding mindset. I lost my focus and started thinking about more bullshit. After walking around for so long I was tired. I decided to settle for 10 and call it a day.

I got my 5 more approaches and went home.

What I learned today
Don't lose focus!!!!! Once your in the mindset, GO WITH IT! Get your approaches, do what you came to do. The moment you start thinking of other stuff it become 10x more difficult to get the job done.

On the brightside
My approach fears are definetly getting weaker. Approaching is becoming less and less something I dread and more something I want to do. Before I would think.

"I'm going to the mall. At the mall I'm forcing myself to do X number of approaches. It's going to be hard but after I can go home and not have to talk to anyone."

I wouldn't approach unless I was in the mall, and I wouldn't approach if I'd already reached my goal for approaches.

Today though I was done, happy with the number I got, but on the street I saw a cute girl and thought "Hey, I should go talk to her, she's cute and I can get BONUS approaches!"

Now before you applaud... I didn't approach. But it's always nice to know your way of thinking is changing :).

That's all for now!
Have a great week guys! :)

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I have someone to sarge with now :)!

A few days ago I got a message from another guy (also 16) who is in my same position. We both are heading into exam territory now but probably in a week or two we'll be able to head out and see what we both can do.

Going out alone is definitely harder then with someone else. Hopefully with another person they'll be able to push me to approach and do more risky approaches.

We both have the whole summer with nothing to do but sarging, it's gonna be interresting. :)

If anyone else lives in Toronto and wants to meet up, leave a comment! I'd be pumped to meet up with you.

Cya guys! :)

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Report #4 - April 25

So I haven't gone out in a while. Going in the middle of a school week seems a bit out of my way so I rarely do it.

But today, being the end of the week, I decided to hit the mall and see if I could break my approach record.

When I got there I felt good, turned on my high energy music and was ready to go. I got 3 within 20 minutes of walking around. Then I just found it getting harder and harder. My feet started hurting, my bag was heavy. I told myself to try for 16, then to 10, then 5. I just couldn't keep it going. I walked around for quite a while before I had my 5.

I'm guessing this is because I haven't done it in 5 days. Sunday I was so hyped and feeling good. But then at school I tend to stick to my crowd and don't talk to many other people. I'm sure this just set me back into bad habits.

If you want to get over anxiety, go out and do your approaches everyday!!!

This way you don't start going back to bad habbits. I'm going to try this from now on... or when I'm not going to the mall I'll tell myself to say hi to 5 random people at school.

I'm going to go out and try again tomorrow. I won't leave till I have my 20!

Peace guys!

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Report #3 - April 20


So this morning I woke up, dreading. Last night I was super pumped to go out and do crazy shit, I even said some stuff I was planning to do in my last post. This morning though, it was all gone.

So I got up, dreading what I had said I would do today, did my morning routine. I decided to listen to my Collection of Confidence meditation to see if it could up my attitude. It did the trick.

I took a shower, did my hair, was looking good and ready to go.

Theirs a guy who's also tracking his pickup journey. In one of his videos he drinks a red bull before going out. The thing about me is... energy is like alcohol for me. When I'm pumped I don't give a shit I just have fun no matter what. So I decided a energy would be a good choice.

So I headed out to the Eaton Center, got my energy drink on the way and just calmed myself the walk over. When I got there I gulped the drink down and blasted my favorite song (D.A.N.C.E - Justice (MSTRKFT Remix)).

Before I knew it I was dancing around the mall, spotting a cute girl every second. I got like 9 approaches in 30 minutes (I know I said 20 in 30 but I forgot... sorry :S). I know I promised doing 2 new openers. Even though I didn't want to, I wrote I would here so I forced myself.

Guess which went better? High-Five or "Hey! Can you do me a favor and tell me to fuck-off."

Suprisingly, High-Five, they just walk by and you feel like an idiot. I'll try again and see if I can get it to work but it's done for now. The other one worked better.

I saw two girls and thought "Ask the time!....NO! Do your new opener!". So I braced myself and did it.

Me: "Hey. Can you do me a favor and tell me to fuck-off"
Girl: "Why?"
Me: "Cause everyone here is soo nice I want someone to tell me to fuck off"
Girl: "...well...were nice too"
Me: "Fine I'll go and find some jack-asses"

I think my opener wasn't confident enough and maybe to serious. Next time I should be more joke-ish. They did smile so it wasn't horrible but it needs improvement.

Opening was easier after those two. I can open anyone walking in my direction easy now. Still none for walking towards but that's more advance so whatever.

Today I managed 15 approaches. After 10 is when it got hard. When your doing more then you've ever done for some reason it's harder. On the way home though, I don't know if it was the drink, my music, or just the confidence from the approaches... BUT I FELT AWESOME!

I was dancing... literally dancing, home. Cars were passing, people were watching and I didn't care, I felt awesome. If this is how much more confident I feel... going from 0 approaches to 15... how will I feel after a succesful chat, a number close, a day 2, AN F-CLOSE!?!

If this is just the beginning I'm pumped for the end!

Till next time,

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Report #2 - April 19


So today I hit the mall trying to get in some more approaches.
Approaching is definitely getting more natural. Each day I get into it quicker, go from on to the next quicker and it's a much smoother flow.

I approached 10 sets today. Up 3 from my 7 yesterday.

The last ones are THE HARDEST. I don't know if this is just me but it takes forever to find the last set. I probably walked around 30 mins to find my last approach.

The problem with the mall is also that it's mainly moving targets. There are some benches where cute girls will sit but it's not enough. I find a lot of the time I'll be walking and see tons of nice girls but all walking towards me.

Anyone who has tried to open someone like this knows it's the hardest scenario. It's gotten in my head that approaching people moving towards me is a bad idea... so I don't do it.

My 10 today took... 2-3 hours maybe. Too long for me to want to spend.

Tomorrow I say just fuck it. I'm gonna blast some energetic music on the way there, get a few Red Bulls and get super pumped!

Then I'm just gonna do try at 20 approaches in 30 minutes. Crazy approaches. My goal is to get a drink in the face for all 2o. I just don't care. I'm gonna try high fiving all the girls that pass by, going up to people sitting down and asking them to tell me to "FUCK OFF!".

These baby steps are fine but I want to just say screw it and move on. I'll accept all the weird looks and rejections, who cares, I'll never see them again.

I'll tell ya how it goes :P
Peace!!! :D

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Sticking Points

When going out I am having some trouble with ways of approaching.

Lots of the really nice sets are moving sets. These are tough. I heard not to open a set moving towards you. Is this true? Is there a way to do this? If so it would widen my scope of people to approach.


Approaching a set that is moving in the same direction as you. Clarification on how this is done would be great. It's a bit confusing still.

That is all for now.

Thanks in advance for any help! :D

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Report #1 - April 18 - Where I'm At Starting

I will consider where I am now the start point. Sure I'm not as horrible as I was when I was 15 but I don't want to bother going back and thinking about the changes I made.

Alright! Well I think the best place to start for anyone is with Inner Game.

You can know the lines, have the routines, but if you go out with no belief in yourself... girls notice it and your done. So before I start trying to go get number I'm trying to make sure I've got my confidence DOWN.

During my year of Keyboard jockeying I learned about Hypnotica and "The Collection of Confidence".

It's gotten some pretty awesome reviews so I thought I'd try it out. I did it last summer... well tried.

I got to Step #2. For that step you go out, notice a girl you want to talk to BUT you don't approach (Thank god I was thinking back then). All you do is notice what is going through your head when you tell yourself you want to approach. What negative thoughts are you thinking, then you write them down.

Next you think of something good that might happen. Like "She'll think I'm weird... but she might think I'm funny". Do that for a few people, great.

Next you think of the negative thing, then the slightly positive, then something TOTALLY unlikely but that could happen. Ex. "She'll think I'm weird... but she might think I'm funny... or maybe she'll look at me, say "Your Fucking Sexy!", rip off all her clothes, jump on me and start kissing me passionately.

That's Step 2. I kinda half did it then moved on. Since I didn't do it properly (or cause it wasn't enough to help me) when I had to approach in Step 3 I COULD NOT get myself to do it.

That was then, this is now.

Now I've re-done the steps and I'm on #3. I've gone out 4 times to do approaches. The first time I could only get myself to do 2, next time 3, next time 4... today, 7!

I am noticing improvement. Instead of 4 hours to get 2, I can get 7 in 2.

Sure it's not stellar, but it's progress. 4 Days of going out though hasn't just increased the number of girls I talk to when I go out... I also notice changes at school. I'm getting more confident, people are finding me funnier, cooler.

4 Days... hardly any approaches... and I can see a difference.

Anyone who thinks going out won't get results is mistaken! Approach 10 people and you'll feel better. Just ask for the time, it's super easy!!!

Tomorrow, no school, I'm hitting the malls. It's a Saturday so it should be packed.

My Goal: 20 Approaches

I'll tell ya how it goes! :)

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What I Hope To Get Out Of This Blog

This blog has a lot of different purposes.

1. To track my progress as I start to improve and get better.
I want to be able to see how I'm doing. In a few months I want to read my first posts and be able to say "WOW! I've change."

Being able to see how your progress is inspiring and keeps me motivated.

2. To Motivate Me
I have this thing where, if I tell someone I will do something... I'm 100x more likely to do it. Unfortunately I don't have a wing or anyone to talk to about this stuff and say "Hey, I'm gonna do this". Instead I'm going to tell you guys.

I'm gonna feel bad if I say in a post I want to approach 20 people and then the next one say I only did 5. Hopefully this will motivate me. :)

3. Help Other Kids My Age
I know I'm not the youngest kid to ever do this. However there is NO resources for kids my age. Were just a small portion and were too young to do this stuff.


Hopefully me talking about my experiences can relate more to kids my age in the same situation. Maybe I can even figure out some of my own tips for people my age.

4. Nobody Else Wants/Can To Help Kids Under 18
I would say learning this stuff is way harder.
We don't have the opportunity for bootcamps, there are no programs for finding minors wings, the local lairs won't accept kids under 18. I don't have money to go to a hair stylist, get fancy clothes. We need help more then anyone

Of course nobody offers info on game for minors. I hope to get all the info for minors I can find and share it here.

5. Get help from people around the world
Supposedly the forums are for people 18 and up. This means I can't ask any questions there. Instead I'll post all my questions I have here. If anyone with more experience could answer them that would be AWESOME!

Those are the main ones I can think about now. Whether people read this or not is not a big deal. This is for me. To track my progress, my experiences and to post everything I learn. If people can get stuff out of this though...AWESOME! :D


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What I Hope To Get Out of This Blog

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A Little Bit About Me

Wow, finally my own blog.

So who am I and what is this all.

Well my name is...well we'll leave that out, call me 6Teen. I first found out about "The Game" when I was 15.

Back then I had horrible One-itis. I thought girls wanted the nice polite guy who did what they wanted and went out of their way to make them happy. Hahaha, boy was I wrong.

Well maybe I should thank my terrible One-itis, it's how I found out about the Seduction Community. I stumbled upon all this while looking for signs that a girl liked you. I was analyzing everything the girl I liked did hoping to see signs she liked me.

While doing some searching I came across Fast That's where it all started. I became obsessed with reading material. I became a keyboard jockey.

I did learn a lot. Some of the stuff like grooming and body language I started fixing... everything else (like ACTUALLY GOING AND APPROACHING GIRLS) I left alone. I didn't want to do anything till I had all the confidence and info I needed to go out and be successful.

I hated the idea of going out, getting rejected and continue doing that till I started learning the skills. So I never went out, never used the skills, just stayed at home with ebooks and google.

The only person I used this stuff on was my best friend...oh ya... and the girl I had One-itis with.

It obviously never worked, she started thinking I was weird and stopped wanting to hang out. My only other good friend liked her too and to avoid losing her took her side and decided I was a weirdo too.

That was last year, now I'm 16.
I'm sick of this computer, sick of not getting invited to parties, not getting girls and not living the life I want to.