Report #11 - Getting Off The Tricycle

Another day, out rocking the mall.

So whether you know it or not, most of my approaches today haven't been to impressive. I pretty much exclusively only ask for the time, or I'll have gone in with A to work the set together.

Asking for the time, low-risk, nobody rejects you.
Opening with someone else, higher-risk, but still, I'll just blame him if anything bad happens. :D

I didn't blog about it, but 2 days ago I went out alone. As always I stuck to asking time. I did 20 though which is a bit of a upgrade :).

So what? 1,2,5,12, 20...what's the difference? Well doing 1 is a lot easier then 20. Something about doing it over and over just makes it harder the more I do. So for any of you who can ask for the time but are still scared shitless about real stuff, no worries, just keep asking more and more people for time each day.


So ya, time and approaches with others... the peak of my ability.

Today I broke that though! :D

Today was my first day doing actual approaches all by myself!

Approaches done by me: 4
Approaches done by T: 1

It's a good start, now tomorrow I know my goal is more then 4 and then next more then that.

I had a brilliant plan to get us past the fear of rejection. We both agreed we each had to get REJECTED 5 times, not trying, but just staying in set till they asked us to leave... or till we got a number.

I thought perfect and asked "Who should go first?". Of course T wanted me to go first! :D

So I did.

Started walking around, you quickly forget you want to be rejected though and look for perfect set to open. I ended up going into H&M. I saw a super hot group of blondes so I decided to open them.

Opener: Grabbed a nice skirt and asked one if it would look good on me.

She was like "NO!" but I asked her friends and they laughed and said it so would be, told me I probably had heels to match. I was having fun but they obviously thought it was just a question and quickly walked away.

Looking back I should have said: "HEY! Wear you going?! You can't just tell a guy it looks bad and not help hi get something better" then grabbed something else and asked again.

Well this is what learning is about.

Another set was a group of girls infront of EB Games. I told them they looked super cool infront of a game store. Talked for a bit.

So now I've done 2 and I think it should be Ts turn. All of a sudden he wants to play a new game. We choose each other people to approach and also choose what they open with.

T wanted me to start again with "I like Tacos"..... fuck that. I'd done 2 so it's his turn.

I pointed out sets but his AA made up excuses for each one (like "They're on stairs!!!"). I would also be telling him people and he'd conveniently be distracted by something else each time (Like a fat dude with his legs open! :D).

It took forever before I finally got him to ask a set how many eggs in a dozen cause he wanted to have an omelette party. :P

Now I was getting nagged to approach. There was this scary chick (maybe a dude :S) dancing in the M-A-C store. I was hoping some girls would come by so I could be like "I'm taking a vote, is that a girl or a guy?". Nobody though :(.

We were in H&M again cause I liked my approach there before. I was hyper from a Monster and all the excitement of approaching. I kept on rambling about us being a gang called the Panties Crew! :P

I opened a hot girl behind us on the elevator asking if T would look good in panties :P. She just said "Interesting" and I didn't have anything to follow up with. I could have said "So why do you find that interesting?" :P.

We were on the second floor when I notice a hot group of girls chilling on the benches a floor below us so I ran down to open them.

I told them me and Terry were starting a really serious gangster crew and we were thinking of names and really like "The Panties Crew". They laughed and gave some names. I didn't False Time Constraint, I AMOGed T and the one girl wasn't being engaged. Other then that it wasn't bad. We talked for a few minutes. They asked me to dance for them but I refused cause I didn't want to jump through a hoop. It's hard to remember it all.


Cool day, not too many interactions but still a good start right? :)

I have a summer still to go so I can only see it getting bigger and better.

Stuff Happening Besides Sarging:

Since my seducage isn't just sarging, it's outside of the mall too, I wanted to add what's been going on in day to day life.

1. There's a girl I met back in September. I only met her 2 times but over the year she kept messaging me randomly and stuff. Recently I decided to sarge her :). I stopped jumping through her hoops, made her qualify to me and so on.

We were sending facebook gifts saying all kinds of sexual stuff. Recently she went away for a week. We've been emailing and I got her telling me all her fetishes. All hers were like "Rubbing you with whip cream" me and you doing this and stuff.

What's this translate to?

She's really hot for me! :D
She keeps saying she misses me, if all goes to plan when she gets back well get to live out some of her fetishes :D.

2. Pride Parade!

There's a really cute girl I used to take sports lessons with. I decided to talk to her today. She said she draws and plays guitars so I told her to draw a picture of me. :D

She's like "OKAY! I'll give it to you when I see you next."

I've stopped taking lessons with her though so I was like "When am I going to see you though?" and then it hit me!

"Wanna come to pride parade with me?!!"

She was soo excited! :D So looks like I have a date with her on Sunday. I'm going to challenger her to who can catch the most condoms :).

So sexy time and a date... all within 1 week.

I've never had this many dates before! What have I changed about myself? I asked the time from a couple 100 people? And now I'm getting laid and dates?

Sweet deal!

More fun to come!

Peace! :D

Report #10 - Back On Track For The Summer

Summer is here!

Today was the first time in weeks that I actually had the time to go out. With exams, projects and parties I barely had time to relax.

Yesterday marked the end of it all though and now I can get back on track with this adventure.

Before I say anything I just wanted to say that ever since I started this, I've noticed something. Maybe it's because all my classmates are turning 16 and that's a party year, but since starting I've never felt so popular!

I've been going to movies, going to parties, just hanging out with friends more then ever. I used to sit at home all the time, recently though I've had something to do every day. Has doing a bit of pickup really made me this much more social?

If this is the change... after going out only a few weeks... SHIT! I can't wait to see what the end of summer has in store.

All right, soooo....

Seeing how busy I have been I haven't gone out in ages.

Not going out = Not Good For Progress

It wasn't too bad, but I must say I did feel more nervous since it's been so long. The momentum I felt has definitely gone down.

Anyway, I had to apply for a job today at one of the stores in Yorkdale and another at the eaton center, so me and...T met up this morning to start at Yorkdale.

I felt pretty good because I opened 2 sets within a few minutes of getting on the train (asked what the time was, it's a good one for warm up). But after that I was sitting and stopped paying attention to where targets were.

It was early in the morning, we handed my thing in at Yorkdale and walked around for a bit. It was mainly adults, no targets.

We didn't stay for long, headed to the Eaton Center right after. Same as Yorkdale, not many people. So I talked to the people at the store I wanted to work at about jobs, we got food, washroom... nothing amazing.

The place started to fill up. T wanted to get energy drinks because he thought it would be good so we both got Amps.

On Amp:

Not as good as Monster, didn't give me the same kick and the kick it did give didn't last as long. When it ended I was exhausted!

Next, T wanted to get this book called "Rules of The Game". It's by Neil Strauss and it breaks learning this into the biggest baby steps ever. I can tell he wants to be told exactly what to do so it was right up his alley. It wasn't at the Eaton Centers chapters though so we had to forget it.

Then it was Warm-Up time!

*Great Warmup* = As many approaches in 10 minutes as you can! Ask the time, make it to people you would actually approach, set a record and keep trying to break it! I'm at 8!

I went first, got 8! The other one went next and got...3? If that. I'm all pumped dancing to my iPod and he was walking looking for people.

After that T was pretty down, he wanted to get the book again so he would know exactly what to do. So we left for another chapters.

Walking to chapters is a great way to kill the energy for speed approaching and an Amp!

When we go to chapters we looked around a while before finally finding the book.

After getting something, what's the first thing you want to do? USE IT!

So we went to a park and read the 2 little books that came in this package.

I could see how it may have appealed to me when I was starting, but once you've gotten more comfortable talking to people why start some product that takes you to the start? I could make far more progress doing approaches then listening to Styles method.

After all this I was tired and wanted to go home, so thats what I did.

Sure, not much excitement, but it's been weeks so cut me some slack!

I'll go out again tomorrow, it should be nothing short of fun! :D